Robert Pattinson shares moments with Scarlett Lindsey as father/daughter in #HighLife
Fotogramas (Spain) has shared this great new footage of Rob as Monte in High Life (although dubbed) in the lead up to the Spanish release of the film on 8 February 2019. I can’t embed so click on Monte below to watch or head over to the site by clicking on the link above. You can also check out the other dubbed trailers for High Life at Karma Film’s YouTube HERE
I just hope with all the attention A24 is going to give this film an Australian distributor ups the ante to get a release here #fingerscrossed. From A24:
Monte (Robert Pattinson) and his baby daughter are the last survivors of a damned and dangerous mission to deep space. The crew—death-row inmates led by a doctor (Juliette Binoche) with sinister motives—has vanished. As the mystery of what happened onboard the ship is unraveled, father and daughter must rely on each other to survive as they hurtle toward the oblivion of a black hole.
Dear lord, no clue what I just watched but give me this now, please. Robert Pattinson has cemented himself as one of the most interesting (and best?) actors working with GOOD TIME and teaming up with Claire Denis in this whatever-the-hell has me so intrigued. Can't wait.
Robert Pattinson has that happy personality about him according to Mackenzie Foy
Mackenzie Foy recently played the IMDb Costar Cube Game and was asked who she would take to Disneyland and force to wear Mickey Ears. Rob won out mainly because Mackenzie said she knows Rob would do it because he has that happy personality about him. I think Mackenzie is right – Rob would do it. Rob’s section starts at 1.28ish. As an aside – Mackenzie has grown into such a beauty.
10 years on and this house still looks stunning. I love that the owner allows people to come up the drive and take photos – in fact you’ll see there are still fans who are on a type of tour and stumble across Jackson Rathbone and Catherine Hardwicke. Still find it hard to believe it’s been 10 years.
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
Release Date: 17 July 2026. | Filming February to August 2025 Sicily, UK, Moroc Check out all upcoming information at our dedicated Film Page by clicking on News below
Check out all upcoming projects that list Rob as a Producer with and without his production company, Icki Eneo Arlo at our Film Page by clicking on News below
Information for all of Robert's past films can also be found at RPAU's individual film pages by clicking photo below.
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