Thought tonight would be the pefect time to share these beautiful faves. Hope you’ve all had a nice relaxing Saturday, I know I have. Don’t you just love the weekends. Thanks to the awesome Madman Entertainment for the beautiful Art pic.
Thought tonight would be the pefect time to share these beautiful faves. Hope you’ve all had a nice relaxing Saturday, I know I have. Don’t you just love the weekends. Thanks to the awesome Madman Entertainment for the beautiful Art pic.
What better way to brighten my rather gloomy Sunday afternoon (*shakes fist* at this damn cold) than by sharing some of my gorgeous faves with you all. Rob is definitely the best medicine ever. Hope you are all having a great Sunday. Thanks to our good friends & elite affie Robert Pattinson Source for the tagged HQ’s & Campbell Mitchell for the gorgeous pic of Rob as Richard.
I just love Rob in blue. I think you will all agree with me when I say he looks exceptionally gorgeous when wearing this colour. Oh & just wanted to say, Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Mum’s out there. Hope you have a great day.
Source & Source & thanks to Katharine for the wonderful Clocktower .gif.
As promised last week, here is the second instalment to my Faves series for the M&M’s and some weekend bliss for you all.  I had a great time putting these ones together, especially after FINALLY finding the motivation to hack into my old chunker of a laptop – I swear it was like Christmas all over again. Kick back and Enjoy!
Throwback Tuesday to my 21 July 2010 post when I shared these great photocall shots of Rob at the Majestic Pier in Cannes in 2009. You can check out more at our Gallery
Yeah I know I said yesterday we always post Majestic Pier pics and well, it’s a little dreary here in Sydney this morning so I needed a pick me up. What better way than Rob by the water in Cannes … wow by the time I finished this inserting the pics in this post the sun seems to be peaking through – Rob makes everything better! Thanks to our friends and elite affie Robert Pattinson Source and also lionlamblove for the tagged pics.
I love this pic and the way Rob’s looking right at me, I mean us
*clears throat* Everyone who visits RPAU regularly (or lives here) understands how high the care factor and dedication of Michelle and Maria, so I’ll do my best not to hinder what they have created in anyway. It is through this site and their knowledge that I’ve learned how to respect Rob (bet the M&M’s didn’t know that part), appreciate the amazing journey that is his career and enjoy a bloody good Robfest with lovable peeps like yourselves.
So let’s get on with it, here are SOME of my fave Rob’s for your weekend viewing pleasure (Series one). There are obviously a few hundred or thousands missing and that’s not including the ones hijacked by my old laptop – which breaking into has now become a priority on my “to do†list. Kick back and feel free to let me know if I’m on the wrong track. lol and don’t forget to click for the big action.
p.s. Surprise M&M’s! It’s a montageâ„¢, well ok there’s my current personal heaven standing at the bottom but still…
This series is also abit of a pressie for you two for never ceasing to bring us the goodness.
Ok am off to crack open a nice bottle. *cheers*