What better way to continue the celebrations than with the big guns – Rome Rob & Sex Drive Premiere – *SIGH*
What better way to continue the celebrations than with the big guns – Rome Rob & Sex Drive Premiere – *SIGH*
Majestic, Magnificent, Man on Man – doesn’t matter what adjective you use (ok maybe the last one isn’t an adjective), Rob at Cannes is all of the above. Â As you might guess, it’s still raining in Sydney, but I can always guarantee sunshine when it’s Rob and Cannes. Â Ah happy days …
I love this cheeky grin
Thanks for your beautiful message Rob but enough with the chatter, it’s our turn.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!!! Â You are one of a kind and deserve to celebrate this special day among the many Robs you love and adore. Â Here you will find a reflection of some moods and moments you’ve shared and celebrated with us on our Rob journey.
You are an amazing woman and friend and I’m soooo glad to have found you. Â Thanks again Rob for bringing us all together – my heart is full … I mean it.
haha Maria and I sat up waiting until you went to bed last night to get our posts done, you didn’t peek did you? lol  Have an amazeballs of a day *cheers*
For our gorgeous girl xoxoxox
We just wanted to take this opportunity to welcome back our good friends & elite affie Robert Pattinson Source.  Those who follow them will know they recently went on a hiatus & they are now back which is brilliant news.  If you haven’t checked out their site & amazing gallery, we recommend you do so right now.  Here are a few examples of their beautiful HQ pics.
Oh okay – you can NEVER be too close to the screen when it’s Rob. Â Here’s an updated “up close/cropped” montage because I know you want it and what better way to head into the weekend – I can’t think of one – oh wait I can but it’s unattainable – yeah unfortunately I’m a realist.
Thanks to our elite affies Pattinsonlife and Robert Pattinson Source and QuantumFizzx for some of these pics.
It’s such a glorious spring afternoon here in Sydney that I can’t help but be reminded of Rob in Cannes – yeah see – obsessed much – um no not really just appreciate the finer things in life.