Well just for a morning fix … my way
It’s been an absolute scorcher today, so here’s Rob’s attempt to cool things down a little. Really? Like that’s even possible – can’t blame me for trying though.
Hope you all had a Happy Australia Day (or are still celebrating). We may not have Rob gracing our beautiful beaches just yet, but perhaps a little glimpse of things to come? *dreams*
And well, I was ever so thirsty …
We have tonnes of beer in Oz Rob, honest.
Infact, we enjoy at least 24 in one sitting.
I cannot put into words how much I LOVE this gorgeous pic…….
And just had to include this larger up close version thanks to our lovely friend Roberta. Â *sigh*
Hello Hello. *giggles*
A little late night post to send you all into the sweet land of slumber …
Thanks to LionandLambLove and Maria for helping me find the bigger version of this treasure.
I’M BACK!!!!  OMG I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to be back at RPAU.  The site still wasn’t showing for me this morning then I got called into work *cries* When I came home & logged into the site & it appeared, I seriously cried tears of joy.  So so so so good to be home – I missed you all.  I felt so empty & lost without RPAU – incomplete.  As Maria has said, at one stage we thought we’d lost the ENTIRE site.  I’ve never felt so sick in my life. Definitely safe to say, we are VERY glad this week is over & we have our beloved RPAU back.  Thank you Maria & Vertigo for keeping me sane amongst the insanity!!  OK, here are a few of my fave gorgeous Majestic Pier pics to celebrate all of our return to RPAU.  I am just SO happy right now!
Ah it’s Friday night, the end of the working week – HEAVEN. Â Let’s celebrate with just a few gorgeous Rob faves……