For those who may remember I did separate posts for Aussie, US and UK reviews. There has been so much praise for Rob in this role (more so than not as I’ve proven below) that I’ve put them all together in this one post. I’m planning to do this in the future with all of Rob’s films, but I started with The Rover because you all know how close that is to our hearts here at RPAU. Obviously I might miss a few reviews because yeah I have to actually get off the internet occasionally, but I’ll have a good go at it. And for the sake of completeness, all reviews will be posted under each movie in our “Films” page and that way it can act as a forum to discuss the film. Don’t worry I will post reminders when they are updated. And for fairness we will be posting ALL reviews *grumblegrumble*. It does seem, however, that the biggest surprise for most in The Rover wasn’t the ending, but Rob.  I’ve also added reviews that I’ve used Google to translate, however, I’m only including the straightforward ones.  For those that are ambiguous, I will include under the heading “Lost in Translation”.  If anyone wants to translate for us, we’d be more than appreciative.
The Rover creates an atmosphere of hopelessness, punctuated by sharp, sudden violence. The film follows Guy Pearce’s unnamed character as he seeks to get back something that was taken from him. For most of his journey he’s stuck with Rey, played by Robert Pattinson in astounding form. Their relationship is an awkward one, which quickly switches between death threats and saving each others lives, more than once.
I loved this film. The cinematography is stunning, the sound design sets the perfect mood and the acting is brilliant. The breathtaking shots of deserts, mountains and towns make the setting as important a character as any of the actors. [my emphasis]
“Still, the characters Eric (Guy Pearce) and Rey (Robert Pattinson) keep the film enthralling. The Rover is one post-apocalyptic thriller that offers tension through its minimalist approach to storytelling.”(Overall: 8 out of 10 (an intriguing story with damaged characters, enough conflict, what is the protagonist’s character arc?)
“Great performances by Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson. Mind you: this is no Twilight.” (Score: 8.5/10)