January 26th, 2012 / 11 Comments

Okay so we know IMDbPro is NOT gospel, but Unbound Captives has reappeared in Rob’s “Projects In Development” and it’s Project Notes state:  “Script – In active development.”

I hope that active development means Phineas aging to about 24 or 26 because I really still do dream about Rob riding bareback and speaking comanche *swoon*


January 16th, 2012 / 4 Comments


So when MTV’s Josh Horowitz tweeted that he obtained an Unbound Captives update from Madeleine Stowe today on The Globes red carpet I have to admit I was sceptical.  I mean Rob’s said it, and I’ve said it a number of times, Phineas is supposed to be 18 – I doubt very much that Rob could pull off playing an 18 year old now – let alone that it’s being scheduled for 2013.  I guess if Madeleine is smart she will do something to ensure Rob’s involved, but Rachel Weisz as his mother?  I’m guessing that’s going to be stretching it a bit …  I’m not holding my breath for this one, but I’m happy to be proven wrong.  Over to you Rob …


“Robert Pattinson is so beloved by “Unbound Captives” producer Madeleine Stowe that she may consider altering a character in the film’s script so that the “Twilight Saga” star can take the role.

MTV News caught up with Stowe on the Golden Globes red carpet and asked her whether there is any chance of RPattz being in the upcoming film. After all, when we last talked to Pattinson, he suggested that he might now be too old for the role.

“The character was conceptualized as an 18-year-old,” Stowe acknowledged. When asked if she would be willing to age up the role so he could still take the part, she said with a laugh, “We might. We might just do that. We’ll see how it all falls.”

It wasn’t just the “Twilight” phenomenon that is causing Stowe to be willing to jump through hoops for Pattinson. She explained that she met him before he joined the first “Twilight” film and “fell deeply in love with him” then.

Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz are also currently attached to the project. In fact, Jackman recently told MTV News that it’s “one of the best scripts I’ve read in a long time.”

With Pattinson’s commitment to “Cosmopolis” over with, he seemingly has an open slate ahead of him. Stowe said that Pattinson’s decision to come onboard “Unbound Captives” is strictly in his camp.

“It’s going to be sort of up to Robert. We’re looking at 2013 [for a release date] right now,” Stowe said.”

Thanks to pattinsonlife for the YT version.

August 10th, 2011 / 8 Comments

Well I’m desperate to hear anything about Rob possibly riding bareback and speaking Comanche  and according to Jeanne Jakle of MySanAntoni0.com who caught up with Madeleine Stowe this —->

While at the ranch, Stowe came up with the idea to write “a large romantic Western” that was inspired, she said, by stories of the Hill Country in the late 1800s. “I heard about children who were abducted by Comanche Indians and became so acculturated that they had a hard time returning.

Our ranch had a real history,” she added. “When I lived there, I felt a certain way about Texas that I hadn’t seen filmed yet.

She’ll start directing The Unbound Captives next year, she said, and already has rounded up the main cast: Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz and Robert Pattinson.”  [My emphasis]

Rob last talked about this film to MTV in March 2011

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Maria:  Hopefully Madeleine will adapt the script to increase Phineas’ age from 18 (I think it was) to 25 … Rob’s too much of a man to pass off as an 18 year old anymore … right.

Jesus – I’m so desperate for news of anything Rob might do in 2012 I’m willing to believe this – even though it’s only a support role.  Please please God let this be true even though back in April I reported that it had been removed from Rob’s IDMbPro here.

Thanks to RobertPattinsonNews for the tip.

April 12th, 2011 / 23 Comments

Rob in leather, Rob on a motorbike – OMG this is almost just as good if not better than a late night post.

Yeah I know there’s always someone out there who is going to tell me that IMDB is not reliable, but I’m going to respond as usual and say I never said it was, but IMDBPro is definitely used by industry and so far it’s not really led us astray when it comes to Rob’s projects “in development”.   So although Rob was being very coy the other day in one of his interviews about Akira, one must  wonder why it’s listed as “in development” on Rob’s IMDBPro  – funny it doesn’t seem to be listed as rumored under Andrew Garfield or James McAvoy.  The plot thickens ….

UPDATE:  Unbound Captives no longer showing in Rob’s IMDBPro.  It’s states “In Development” under the movie “Unbound Captives” but lists no cast at all.  I’ve added screencap below.

January 22nd, 2011 / 10 Comments

Well I’ve been checking IMDbPro every day and guess what peeps – Keira is in – Paul Giamatti nowhere to be seen – now that’s a shame.  Ooh I wonder who will replace him.

and while I’m here – can I just say although we still have no news about Unbound Captives and whether this will ever go ahead, I noticed on IMDbPro the other day that there is some movement.  Remember when Ashok Amritraj was the producer with Hyde Park Films?  Yeah well that seems to have changed – now it’s Atlas Entertainment and no Ashok to be seen.  Go looky – maybe something is a happening … here’s the updated info in any event because I really really want to see Rob with Hugh and speaking comanche – pretty please.

June 28th, 2010 / 19 Comments


You all know that we are passionate about the fact that we believe Rob will one day be at least nominated (well I believe “win”) an Oscar and so I had to post this great article written by Jeremy Helligar of True/Slant on his opinion of who out of Twilight will be destined for an oscar.  Of course I’ve only posted the Rob section, but if you want to read the full article you can click on the highlighted link.  You can’t say I’m biased, but I pretty much agree with everything Jeremy has said (and I think most of you know that already).  Thanks to our elite affie Spunk Ransom for the tip:

“What about Robert Pattinson? My money’s on this one. And not just because he recently confirmed that I’m not the only one who’s counting down the years to the end of the blockbuster Twilight franchise.

It can get a little boring,” Robert Pattinson told the New York Times. “The good news is that the whole thing is done in seven months.”

Unfortunately for Pattinson, that’s only when filming on Breaking Dawn, the fourth and fifth installments of the vampire saga will be completed, but with the fifth and final film not due until the summer of 2012, Twilight will continue to be the bane of Pattinson’s existence for years to come.

On the bright side, by the time part two of Breaking Dawn comes around, Pattinson could be well known for something else entirely. For all three of his upcoming non-Twilight projects, he’s forsaking the Hollywood genre pics in which the studios are no doubt dying to cast him in favor of artier, more prestigious fare. His success will depend less on producing big box-office returns than turning in well-received performances.

I’ve written before about how there’s more to Pattinson than Edward Cullen. In fact, if anything, Twilight is a departure from what seems to make Pattinson tick as an actor. The two highest profile non-Twilight films in which he has had a leading role, this year’s Remember Me and 2008 Little Ashes, were not major successes, but these performances must have convinced casting directors to allow him to step out of the corner that Twilight easily could have boxed him into.

For now, he’s a sort of twentysomething male Nicole Kidman, balancing big mainstream films (the Twilights) with smart, artier fare. But judging from Pattinson’s three upcoming non Edward Cullen roles, once Twilight is over, he’s more likely to go the Kate Winslet post-Titanic route, taking risky acting assignments in mostly period pieces. Who needs to play Kurt Cobain when you’ve got projects like these lined up?

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Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Tenet Role: Neil
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
Director: Robert Eggers
Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

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