Peter Zeitlinger, the cinematographer for Robert Pattinson “Queen of the Desert” has uploaded a trailer, which looks slightly different to me.
Queen of the Desert | Trailer from peter zeitlinger on Vimeo.
Peter Zeitlinger, the cinematographer for Robert Pattinson “Queen of the Desert” has uploaded a trailer, which looks slightly different to me.
Queen of the Desert | Trailer from peter zeitlinger on Vimeo.
We posted a link to this scene over a week ago, but Best Film has now added it to their YouTube. Â I love this scene and I love Rob’s performance. That is all.
Looks like Robert Pattinson “Queen of the Desert” was released in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 1 April 2016.
It’s difficult to find accurate screening times, the Matti Multiplex hasn’t updated their website yet, but Hoya Hoyie is showing the following times:
EXCLUSIVE: *Twirls* Spentzos Films confirmed to RPAU this morning that Robert Pattinson “Queen of the Desert” is currently scheduled to be released in Greece on 14 July 2016.  Brilliant news for my Hellenic friends. Of course the date may be subject to change, but at this stage it’s 99% correct! Will keep you posted and updated as we draw closer to July.
Updated: 7 July 2016
There has been some confusion with 30 June also being referred to as release date, but has now also updated with 14 July date