Re-celebrating Rob as T E Lawrence in The Queen of the Desert. This was our post in 2016
Some people hated it, some loved it – I fell into the latter category surprisingly since I’m no fan of two of the costars, but there you go. Proof that you shouldn’t listen to critics or base your choices on previous films. I thought Rob’s portrayal of T E Lawrence was gold.
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The Film Stage – The B-Side Celebrate Robert Pattinson
The Film Stage’s – The B-Side is celebrating Rob’s career – not so much the successful films that Rob’s received acclaim for, but the movies that he made in between. From The B-Side:
As his star rose, Pattinson would get weirder and weirder in his role choices. The ultimate result is a filmography primarily built by B-sides. Today, Conor and I focus on four: Remember Me, Water for Elephants, Queen of the Desert, and Damsel.
We bring up that GQ profile that got some traction at the start of quarantine, The Takeout’s attempt to make Pattinson’s “fast food pasta,†the quite-memorable ending of Remember Me, the impressive life of Gertrude Bell (on which Queen of the Desert is based), and the tragedy that nobody has watched Damsel.
Robert Pattinson Queen of the Desert DVD | Bluray release 5 March 2018

This took quite some time to be released in the UK. Amazon has Queen of the Desert DVD available for preorder with a release date of 5 March 2018. You can preorder your DVD HERE.
Thanks Lisa!
 Own your own copy of Robert Pattinson as TE Lawrence in Queen of the Desert
According to DVD Release Dates Queen of the Desert will now be released on Bluray & DVD in the US on 5 September 2017 5 December 2017.  You can preorder at Amazon – Bluray|DVD combo HERE and DVD HERE.
Japan – own your copy of Robert Pattinson “Queen of the Desert” from 4 July 2017

Queen of the Desert will be released on DVD in Japan on 4 July 2017. Â All links for where to buy are available at the official Japanese website:
Robert Pattinson “Queen of the Desert” Now Available to Own on iTunes UAE

Queen of the Desert is now available to own on iTunes (UAE) in glorious HD.