Well the New Moon promotion is definitely now well under way. 36 days until the Australian release – lol I will drive you nuts with my countdowns between now & the 19th. Even though this still is not focused on Eddie (insane I know lol) we thought that seeing as Rob is featured in it, that is more than enough reason to post it. Just cannot wait for this movie. This still is a ‘Twitter exclusive’ which has been posted on Summit Entertainment’s Twilight Twitter which has just opened. If you wish to check it out or follow them, you can do so by clicking on the highlighted link. Thanks to our awesome affiliate ROBsessed for the tip.
Cannot tell you how excited I was when I saw this photo from Eclipse. It is so so good to finally see some stills emerging from the movie. Such a beautiful photo too. How far away is Eclipse again lol. I just love the second & third Eddie & Bella photos from New Moon as well. We are being so spoilt once again today. Both photos are featured in a special edition of People Magazine & of course if better quality scans become available we will update. Enjoy everyone. Thanks to our affiliate pattinsonlife for the tip & thanks so much to t_mauricexo for sharing these.
I know we have seen this pic a few times before, but never this UHQ. And what better way to start off a Friday with UHQ Eddie. Thanks to mediocrechick and twilightxchange for this beauty.
Thanks to MTV.com, here we have the official video for Death Cab For Cutie’s song ‘Meet Me On The Equinox’ which is featured on the New Moon Soundtrack. This video does feature some footage from the film & more importantly some Eddie footage. We have seen some of this footage before but there are a couple of little snippets that are most definitely new & believe me, they are so so great. We thought we would put the video behind the cut so those who do not wish to be spoilt won’t have to resist the temptation to watch. I would like to say I had the strength to resist but when it comes to Rob I am very weak lol. Absolutely cannot wait for New Moon even more now after seeing these little snippets. Gonna be so amazing. Unfortunately the official MTV clip will not play for us here in Australia but we do have the youtube version thanks to Youtube user TWlLlGHTSAGA.
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I know we have already seen this great still before, but seeing how much we all love ‘BCA’ & how excited we are about seeing New Moon, I thought I would share this with you all tonight. Am starting to sound like a broken record I know lol – but I just cannot wait to see this movie. Thanks to our great affiliate MrPattinson
Good morning everyone. To start all our Sundays off, here we have a new Edward & Bella still from New Moon. How absolutely beautiful is this new still, I just adore it. Such a wonderful start to the day. That look on Eddie’s face – ah how many days is it until 12.01am 19 November!!  It is now a bit over 6 weeks until we will finally be able to see Rob as Eddie on the big screen once again & 45 days to be exact lol. Ah, I just cannot wait. Let’s hope there are more of these to come to keep up going until those 45 days are up. Thanks to our wonderful affiliate ROBsessed for the tip.