Operation Blacklist all a go. What oh wait that’s not what it’s called, but honestly who isn’t excited for Rob’s next phase – I love that Eric Maddox personally gave Rob the thumbs up to portray him in Mission:Blacklist. Speaks volumes to me.
Thanks to Suze for bringing this to our attention via – and Sare for the follow up tweet
According to The Improper Rob won’t be filming in Iraq – now that’s a bonus:
“Robert Pattinson won’t be heading into harm’s way in Iraq after all, when he starts filming “Mission Blacklist†about Saddam Hussein’s capture during the Iraq War, according to sources.
Rob will be jumping out of his current picture, “The Rover,†and right into filming his psychological thriller. [my emphasis]
Principal production is scheduled to start as soon as April, studio Embankment Films has announced on its website.
A source confirms to TheImproper that the movie won’t be shot in Iraq as originally reported. The film will likely do its location shooting in Morocco or Jordan.
Mission Blacklist is scheduled for release in Summer 2014.”
Click on the link to read the full article.
Oh my what will all the naysayers say about this now … and Sue “that’s why they pay me the big bucks” LOL
I don’t know what’s happening, but the information for this film seems to change almost on a monthly basis and it’s giving me whiplash. Production Weekly posted it’s “Preview for 7 February” and guess what’s included in it:
So I just checked Embankment Film’s website and they’ve updated the status as follows:
SPP – April 2013
Delivery – Summer 2013″
If you recall, Embankment had recently removed any info about status.   And IMDBPro moved it to “projects in development’ where it’s still sitting with no status. BTW “QOTD” is now also sitting in “projects in development’ at script stage. Don’t worry “Map to the Stars” is still sitting in pre-production as is “Hold On To Me”. Funny, I thought Rob said he was filming HOTM after The Rover.
Anyway, sitting patiently waiting for more confirmation of what is happening.
I’d also love to know who else is included in the cast of M:B because at the moment Rob’s going to be pretty damn busy playing everyone.
Fledgling UK outfit Embankment Films continues to generate healthy demand for its growing slate, with buyers flocking to Roger Michel’s new rom-com Le Weekend – which shoots Monday – and $21m sci-fi Our Robot Overlords, which has closed finance at the AFM, and is due to shoot in early 2013, with VFX handled by Nvizible.’
Tim Haslam and Hugo Gumbar’s Embankment has closed 21 territories on Le Weekend, scripted by Hanif Kureishi and starring Jim Broadbent, including deals with Germany (Prokino), Australia (Transmission), Benelux (Cineart), Switzerland (Frenetic) and Israel (United King).
Distributors on anticipated Princess Diana biopic Diana, which has all but sold out, include Alliance Films for UK, Spain and Canada, while Embankment has closed 35 territories on upcoming Robert Pattinson war film Mission: Blacklist, including to France (Metropolitan), Germany (Ascot Elite), Australia (Transmission), Scandinavia (Svensk), Latin America (Imagine) and Hong Kong (Panorama).
I am so excited about this movie, so so very excited.
So I was on the AFM website and saw that Embankment Films are included as Exhibitors. So if you go to Embankment Film’s website you will see 2012 AFM lineup, but you know what really caught my eye? It was “Status: SPP April 2013″ – fingers crossed that it’s the proposed start date for filming.
And if anyone wants a little background on what the AFM is – click here
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
Release Date: 17 July 2026. | Filming February to August 2025 Sicily, UK, Moroc Check out all upcoming information at our dedicated Film Page by clicking on News below
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