There’s always a reason … always. The following is a short press release from Death Grips:
“We have recently founded a record label, created via a very unique relationship with Harvest/Capitol, to be distributed by Caroline. On here, we anticipate our creative endeavours being achieved with unaltered possibilities. Not only does it function as a medium to distribute any upcoming music we create, but it will also be used as a platform to showcase other forms of art. Stefan Burnett, our vocalist, will soon be releasing a very limited number of hardback books for his visual artwork, with the help of PictureBox. Not only that, but Zach Hill is currently wrapping up a short film he directed with an OST by DEATH GRIPS. The film is entitled Misoneism, is shot entirely in monochrome film, and follows the exploits of a young man forced into the underground prostitution business in Brazil. Starring Robert Pattinson and Colin Hanks, the film hopes to shed light on the matter in a shocking and abrasive way. The film is slated for a Spring 2014 release with a one time only screening at Sacramento’s historic Guild Theater. Further details on Misoneism will be released in the coming weeks through our Tumblr (now wiped clean and specifically dedicated to Misoneism.) A 2 minute trailer is to be released on the aforementioned link very soon.
Birds, released on 21st of August, can now be officially announced as a cut from Misoneism’s OST. The track was received extremely well. [My empahsis]
This message has been sent to exclusively 10 smaller websites to accentuate the minimal approach we are going to approach the promotion of Misoneism. The film was conceived with the ethos of Sacramento’s 70′s independent films, most of which were fairly low budget and gained, at best, modest popularity. In a sense, the promotion is a social experiment. We purposefully employed very high profile actors to star in an experimental, avant-garde film, promoted only on smaller indie music websites and publications for reasons that we will reveal in the upcoming press kit.”
Here’s Birds
Link to TumblrÂ
So apparently this all may not be true. Â According to Pitchfork:
“Death Grips have been off the radar as of late, with a string of cancellations as they apparently work on music and a feature-length film, plus the wide release of last year’s album NO LOVE DEEP WEB.
Today, Pigeons and Planes claimed that they received a message from the band about what they’ve been up to. Among other things, it claimed that drummer Zach Hill had directed a short film called Misoneism about “the underground prostitution business” starring Robert Pattinson (vampiric heartthrob of Twilight fame) and Colin Hanks (son of Tom), with a soundtrack by Death Grips.
However, the band tells Pitchfork that none of this is true. There is no short film directed by Zach Hill and starring Robert Pattinson. They don’t know who sent the letter.
But, this being Death Grips… who knows what’s going on.”
I’m thinking that this is the social experiment.  DeathGrips posted the Pitchfork article on DeathGripsFB.
The plot thickens.
Updated again:
Colin Hanks (and yes I do believe he is the son of Tom) Â told Consequences of Sound:
“Hanks tells Consequence of Sound that news of him making a movie with Death Grips is untrue. So it definitely looks like we can chalk this one up as a hoax. Sorry, folks.”