Dreamboat Records has a short preview of one of the tracks featured on the ‘How To Be Soundtrack’ This preview not only features music but also some dialogue from the film. The scene this track is taken from would have to be my most favourite in the whole movie. I really enjoyed listening to this little sneak peak & I’m sure you all will too.
If you haven’t already pre-ordered the soundtrack, there is an option at the above link where you can do just that. I’m really looking forward to receiving my copy in the mail.
Please click here to listen to the preview.

Due to popular demand, Official HOW TO BE merchandise is now available for purchase! How To Be posters, t-shirts, mugs and more are now available at two online stores serving fans worldwide.
Check out Cafe Press for merchandise that ships all over the world and Spreadshirt which has even more gear for fans in Europe and Japan.

Here’s what Mark Malkin from E!Online said in his article about HOW TO BE:
I know it may be hard to believe, but Robert Pattinson isn’t only about bloodsucking and fangs.
Before Twilight and New Moon, our fave movie vampire made the indie comedy HOW TO BE.
Pattinson stars in the quirky flick as Art, a twentysomething young man who moves in with his parents after being dumped by his girlfriend. Feeling he’s hit an all-time low—he works in a supermarket and an assisted-living home—Art ends up hiring a live-in self-help guru.
Art is is also a struggling musician so it’s no wonder Pattz is featured on the movie’s 23-track soundtrack. He sings not one, but three songs.
The movie, which has been making the rounds of the film festival circuit with appearances by Pattinson and director Oliver Irving, will be released through IFC Festival Direct on April 29.
Thanks to Shannon from the HTB Promo Blitz for this info.

Barbara Morden from BUZZINE wrote a lovely review of HOW TO BE. Here’s a segment of what she wrote:
Director Oliver Irving’s How To Be is truly an indie film, along the lines of Napoleon Dynamite and Little Miss Sunshine. This film has similar wince-inducing scenes, often making it painful to watch because of the way the characters act.
Ultimately, it’s the study of a non-functional family and the story of the awkward lead character, played so convincingly by Robert Pattinson; it takes a bit to realize what a brilliant performance it truly is. There were times you had to laugh because, if you didn’t, you’d have to look away.
To continue reading, please go to their site by clicking here.

The Australian Premiere of “How To Be” was held last Saturday night at University Hall, UTS, Sydney. We would love to thank the 400+ fans who helped make the evening a great success and it was a pleasure meeting some of you face to face on the night.
Sorry it has taken me 2 days to post this, but Rob’s performance was so entrancing that I completely forgot to do the post! I had heard that Rob’s portrayal of Art was very close to how he is in real life and after now having seen the film I am convinced that this must be true. Rob’s performance is flawless (although we all know what a talent he is!) and my expectations were definitely exceeded.
It was great to hear the audience laugh with Art and react to his pain at some of the awkward, depressing and painful moments. It would be hard for me to pick a favourite scene, but two of my favourites are Art’s attempts to play basketball during his volunteer work (because we’ve all heard about Rob’s non-existent athletic ability) and the pep-talk Art gives himself in the mirror before his performance of “Doin’ Fine”.Â
I could wax lyrical about Rob, but to be honest the entire cast helps make this film the success that it is. Not to mention the fantastic script by Oliver Irving. It is no wonder this film has won so many awards and each one is well deserved.
If you want to know more about “How To Be” then I recommend you visit their website www.howtobemovie.com. I’m not sure why this film is yet to be picked up by an Australian distributor, but don’t despair, it hopefully will be soon. In any event, we hear they are working on the DVD (including outtakes) so we will eventually be able to buy it.
Again, thanks everyone who came for making it a great night, but most importantly thank you to Cilla and Shanna without whom this event would never have happened.

Wow, I really like this picture. It’s something to do with him, carrying that guitar and looking so youthful.