I alway become nostalgic after I finish watching GoF – here’s one of my fav pics of Cedric.
I alway become nostalgic after I finish watching GoF – here’s one of my fav pics of Cedric.
Maria & I just wanted to let everyone know that Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire is on TV tonight on Channel 9 at 7.30. Even though I have seen this movie many many times I always get so excited when I can watch it on TV. Ceddie is so so lovely. One of our faves for sure.  If you are able to tune in, enjoy!
How adorable are these photos of Rob as Cedric. Maria definitely started a wonderful chain of events by seeing GOF on the big screen yesterday, look at all the lovely things we are getting. Is so good to see some new photos from this shoot. Ceddie (I called him that after I saw GOF & has stuck lol) has & always will be one of my most favourite Rob roles. He is the role that introduced me to Rob & he is just so so sweet.  Hope you enjoy this trip down Rob memory lane, I know I have.
Thanks so much to our awesome affiliate Robert Pattinson Source – Balina you are amazing!
Well I must have been channelling the right people yesterday after seeing Cedric because here are some photos that have surfaced of Rob from a Harry Potter photoshoot.  Lordy has he perfected these looks now.  Thanks to our affiliate Robert Pattinson Source – Balina you are awesome!
Well I had the great opportunity today to go and see Goblet of Fire at the cinema again (thanks Cilla) – so much better on the big screen. So I feel inspired to do a little tribute post to Rob as Cedric because as we all know he was definitely Ceddie way before he was Eddie.  Oh and there’s a promo and premiere photo of Rob behind the cut from GoF days – couldn’t help myself.
I found this video on YouTube & enjoyed it so much I just had to share. It is only short but is very sweet.
Thank you to YouTube member lolipops5 for uploading this.