I can’t speak this first one is a killer. Thanks to our friend the gorgeous Gozde from our elite affies ROBsessed for the tip and KStew411 for the pics.
I can’t speak this first one is a killer. Thanks to our friend the gorgeous Gozde from our elite affies ROBsessed for the tip and KStew411 for the pics.
David Slade tweeted this info a short time ago via his official Twitter @DAVID_A_SLADE:
David also tweeted last week: ‘Big day, screening 1st director’s cut to the studio phase 1. This will be the first time anyone out of editorial has seen the cut.’ Judging by David’s tweet today, it seems the edits are well & truly in full swing after the 1st phase of screeening to the studio. Safe to say I speak for everyone when I say this is music to my ears hearing there is going to be more Rob added. Hopefully this means plenty of Eddie scenes in the film *begs* – please! We shall keep our fingers very tightly crossed. Also while on the subject of Eclipse, could we maybe have one or two more little promo pics/stills? We would very much appreciate it. Oh & maybe a little teaser trailer *smiles*.
The Eclipse Movie companion is now available for pre-order on both Amazon.com & Amazon.co.uk with a release date at this stage of May 2010. I adore the pic of Rob as Eddie above. Wonder when we are going to see some more movie stills & of the solo Rob variety. Hopefully sometime soon.  If you wish to pre-order, all you need to do is click on either of the highlighted links above. When details becomes available re: Australia pre-order & release date we will of course post.
Thought today I would put together a montageâ„¢ of Rob’s roles so far. I love looking back at all the wonderful characters he has portrayed so far & cannot wait to be able to add Georges & hopefully (please please please) Jacob & Phineas to that list. Water for Elephants is now on it’s way to me, woo hoo. Cannot wait to start reading. Hope you enjoy the montageâ„¢. I know I loved putting it together.
Thanks to our friends & elite affie Robert Pattinson Source for some of the HQ pics, the awesome Madman Entertainment for the HQ Art pics, ComingSoon for the first Tyler pic & Campbell Mitchell for the Richard pics.
Well @kspice75 called me the “montage queen” the other day on Twitter after the epic year in review that I created. I’m a little humbled by that title and I think I need to give kudos to Michelle who created the original “Tyler montage” back in lol I can’t remember – maybe August last year. That was the inspiration for my montages and so I thought given that we reviewed 2009, perhaps I could do a montage of the emergence of Rob from his early modelling days, public appearances up until Eclipse. Might not be epic, but it’s still Rob! Oh and enjoy the Zygote Rob pic – first and last time that I will post. The .gifs again – I’ve started to make sure I note who makes them, but these two I’m at a loss. If yours let me know.
Summer House Photo Credit: Campbell Mitchell
For those of you who remember my post back in July where I reviewed the first 6 months of Rob’s work you may recall that I might have promised a complete review at the end of this year. Well it’s 31 December 2009 and although it’s not possible to include a pic from every single interview Rob held in November for New Moon, I think I’ve pretty much covered the important ones. So let’s take a look at why this man deserves to have a break over December/January. Rob we might miss you honey but you have so earned it since 2010 looks like it’s going to be an amazing year for you!   Thanks to our elite affies Robert Pattinson Source, Robert Pattinson Unlimited, ROBsessed and affie MrPattinson for some of these pics and for some amazing pics over the last 12 months. For the .gifs – thanks to dictums from rpattzdaily (MTVMA), rafaboreanaz (Japan & Jimmy Kimmel) and of course I can’t remember where I found the others. If they are yours please let me know so I can credit.  Most importantly to all our affiliates, friends/followers and of course Rob  –  we look forward to sharing 2010 with you all because you make this all worthwhile.  Happy New Year!