I was just about to head to bed but came across this new still on the LA Times site so of course I had to share. Is nice to see a still of Edward, Carlise, Emmett & Jasper together. Don’t tend to see them usually. Just have to say how much I am loving Eddie’s wardrobe in Eclipse. So so gorgeous.
Thanks to ljmd at our affie pattinsonlife, we now have the new Eddie & Bella still from yesterday in HQ. As I have said before, please do keep the Eddie stills coming.
My head is spinning – is it – isn’t it – it is – it won’t. Seriously there is more toing and froing about the Eclipse premiere than Breaking Dawn period. Well thanks to MTV we can confirm that the red carpet premiere of Eclipse WILL be held on 24 June 2010 during the LA Film Festival. Let the craziness begin – is it too early to go and sleep there from now? Hahaha. Just kidding.
Oh and in more Rob movie news, I thought I might add that Francis Lawrence, the director for Water For Elephants, tweeted last night that Hal Holbrook has been cast as the older version of Jacob. That’s a shame Iwas kind of hoping Rob would go for the makeup but I suppose he doesn’t really want to be sitting in a makeup chair every morning for 6 hours.
Thanks to the LA Times, we have a new Eddie & Bella still from Eclipse. I suspect we will be seeing a lot more stills over the coming weeks which I look forward to. More solo Eddie would be very much appreciated *smiles*
I know we’ve seen this promo pic before, but I thought some of you may want this as your wallpaper. If you want to see the others (not Rob) then you should go to the official Eclipse site here.
oh I suppose I need to provide this one too