We thought we would let you know the figures from the Eclipse US midnight screening’s launch. The following info is courtesy of Brandon Gray of Box Office Mojo:
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ripped into the record books with its midnight launch, grossing over $30 million at more than 4,000 theaters. That surpassed The Twilight Saga: New Moon‘s previous benchmark of $26.3 million. Included in Eclipse‘s sum was a new IMAX midnight milestone of over $1 million at 192 venues, topping Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen‘s $959,000.
No real suprise as we knew the film’s opening US midnight numbers would be high, but $30 million is still pretty damn impressive. I know some of us here are yet to see the film, so I won’t say too much until we have all seen for ourselves. All I will say is, Rob was absolutely brilliant as Edward once again (as we of course knew he would be). Just completely stole the entire show with his scenes & outshone everyone by far, as he always does. I am going again tomorrow for a second time, so cannot wait to see him again. I have to admit, I can never take any of Rob’s movies in completely the first time, as I am always too memserised by him & his brilliant performance.  You all know what I mean. Feel free to leave your thoughts in this post but just be mindful of those who haven’t yet seen. I know you all will be. Oh & am very pleased to say – no real screamers at my screening wooo hoo!  If you wish to read the article in full, just click on the highlighted link above.