That Time Robert Pattinson Sang Stray Dog at Open Mic Night 2008
As I said I found an old USB and this was on it – although it’s a longer video I shortened to share. It brings back so many memories, I’m pretty sure I listened to this on loop for months. How I wish Rob would release some music.
Robert Pattinson about his music
Finally someone spoke to Rob about music. Click on the pic of Rob below to listen to the audio interview from Arts Alive:
I recently spoke with Pattinson, and used it as an excuse to talk only about music. In this conversation, we discuss his life as a songwriter, his favorite classical music, what rap music he listens to on set to get into character, how his performances are a kind of music themselves… and more.
Thanks JSumerki
Robert Pattinson featuring on #HighLife soundtrack singing “Willow”
Life’s pretty great when you wake up to news that Rob’s on yet another one of his films soundtracks. The Tindersticks have confirmed that Rob will be singing one of their songs “Willow” and here is what they said about Rob on their website:Â
It’s been a long time coming – Stuart began work in 2014 – but finally ‘High life’ is ready to meet the world.
Starring Robert Pattinson and Juliette Binoche, and set on a prison ship travelling through space, the film has an extensive original score written by Stuart, and includes a new tindersticks song, ‘Willow’, which is beautifully sung by Robert himself.
Remember we posted here that Guy talked about jamming with Rob on the set of The Rover. Now about to embark on a tour with Powderfinger’s Darren Middleton, Guy’s doing a bit of press and promo. According to The Weekly Review:
“Pearce found film shoots the perfect place to write songs: “No dogs to walk, no family to visitâ€. But it was always done somewhat in secret. Which begs the question; who else is in this secret songwriter society? Who is the best actor slash songwriter too self-conscious to “come outâ€? “Rob Pattinson,†Pearce says, naming the Twilight megastar he recently acted alongside in The Rover.
“He’s got an amazing voice and his songs are really contemporary.â€
The rationale that, like Pattinson’s songwriting, his was a hidden passion and the concealment was for the best, became a story he told himself and others.”
I’ve said this before surely SOMEONE has footage of this *looksatDavid*. If you want to check out the rest of the article, hear Guy’s new song and get tickets for his show, click on link above.

Via ROBsessed
Gordana tweeted us this morning that Guy was on The Morning Show mentioning jamming with Rob on The Rover set and for some reason it triggered a memory that I thought I’d already heard about it. It looks like the original interview was back in August when Guy released his music. Anyway, there’s nice little snippets of The Rover and Rob throughout this interview and the Rob mention is at about 3.59 mins. Gordana if this isn’t the one you saw this morning let me know *hugs*
It’s a slow news day – what can I say and it’s Guy and I miss them.
 The Morning Show

Here we are again … except this week we had one of those Rob surprises that I, and I’m sure all of you, just love. Rob playing guitar on a Death Grips’ track from 2013. Oh yeah baby – nice surprise Rob. I mean do we really need to relive anything else this week? Oh I spent hours researching who the hell Rob’s character may be on The Childhood of A Leader and well I really think Rob’s character might be fictitious. It’s a quandry since Brady seems to want to play us lol. Not that I blame him because I”ve decided that I much prefer going into Rob films without spoilers (taking a leaf out of Carmel’s book who I watched Maps with and loved her reactions). Oh wait there was something else to twirl about – Cassian Elwes tweet about Queen of the Desert. Bring on 2015.  Also Anton Corbijn talked about post production on LIFE and I saw the German distributors were hinting that the movie may be released to coincide with the 60th anniversary of James Dean’s death. That’s a nice touch but I don’t know if I want to wait until 30 September! Jules surprised us with her new technique on her edits – am loving the darkness and light. I really think you should continue experimenting Jules especially if that’s your first attempt *fansself*. We had a little fun with our A-Z and Michelle spoilt us with her black and white montage. Nice little way to end November. Now Rob what surprises do you have for us in December?  Bring it on Rob bring it on …
Don’t forget if you miss any of the weeks they’re all listed in our Master Posts tab under RPAU Week in Review.
A-Z Appreciation:Â The Letter “D” – Suze (Details) | Tina (Drink Up)
Robert Pattinson: Remember Me on @FOXTEL Romance Movie Channels 30 November 2014
Robert Pattinson: .@insidefilm gives us Maps to the Star Aussie Box Office Update
Robert Pattinson: The Childhood of A Leader – What We Know So Far …
Robert Pattinson is HFAlicious
.@cassianelwes Tweets A ‘Queen Of The Desert’ Update
Late Night Post: Robert Pattinson’s Theo Wenner Photoshoot
Throwback Thursday: Robert Pattinson Does Gangnam Style
NEW Pic Of Robert Pattinson As Jerome Fontana In Maps To The Stars
Robert Pattinson: The Childhood of A Leader – What We Know So Far … *Updated*
Robert Pattinson: Black & White Photoshoots Montageâ„¢
Experimental Friday: Robert Pattinson edits
Robert Pattinson Credited as Playing Guitar on Death Grips’ song “Birds†*Updated with Confirmation)
*NEW* Robert Pattinson Photo from LIFE & Anton Corbijn talks about Post-Production