Just a little snippet in the video below that shows Mario Testino’s portrait from Met Gala 2015 of Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs. Â For those who may have a chance to attend the Museo Mario Testino – permanent Exhibition “MATE“:
Founded by Mario Testino in 2012, MATE (pronounced mAH-teh) aims to bring Peruvian artists and culture to worldwide attention, while offering the best of international contemporary art and photography to audiences in Lima. MATE facilitates this lively exchange through a dynamic programme of exhibitions, residencies, and events, alongside a permanent display of work by Mario Testino. MATE is committed to bringing the centre’s work to a wide audience through guided tours, workshops and talks, as well as offering training and resources as part of this expanding education programme.
WFL Toronto, who you might remember, included Cosmopolis and Robert Pattinson in their World Film Locations book, tweeted us to let us know Robert’s shoes are on display at the Bata Shoe Museum, Toronto.  I did a bit of a search and found that they have been there for quite some time.  Bata Shoe Museum first posted about them on their Facebook back in 2012.  The shoes appear to be Robert’s brogues from “Remember Me” and are part of their Celebrity Colleciton. Think I might have to add BSM to my list of places to visit.
Now this is something lovely to wake up to – look at Robert’s smile.  Gary Michael Walters, who was executive producer on some amazing films like Drive, Whiplash and Nightcrawler to name a few and is CEO of Bold Films, tweeted that he was excited to meet Robert and then shared this great picture with him.   “Brewing ideas”  interesting indeed and such a tease!
We here at RPAU are of course celebrating Rob’s 30th Birthday. From 4am tomorrow (13 May 2016 Sydney time) we will be counting down 30 hours until it’s midnight in the UK on Rob’s actual birthday.  30 pics will be tweeted over those 30 hours. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did choosing them. We will be kicking the celebration off with this little beauty, so sweet.
Of course if you don’t have Twitter, you can still share the pics from our twitter feed on the sidebar
RPAU’s instagram lay dormant for almost a year before we decided to become a little more active.  Some of you will have noticed that we have been posting more frequently over the past few months.  Jules uploads some of her amazing edits, I post links to RPAU’s Week in Review and Michelle randomly selects pics of Robert.  Just thought I’d let you know that we’re there now if you want to follow.  There’s a link on the sidebar just under our Twitter feed for ease.  Because let’s face it, there can never be too much Robert in our lives … ever.
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
Release Date: 17 July 2026. | Filming January to April 2025 (UK,Check out all upcoming information at our dedicated Film Page by clicking on News below
Information for all of Robert's past films can also be found at RPAU's individual film pages by clicking photo below.
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Welcome to Robert Pattinson Australia your definitive source for all news, photos & exclusives concerning Rob's career since 4 November 2008. We are a fansite and not affiliated with Rob or his management.
No copyright infringement is intended, if you would like any photos removed, please contact us at robertpattinsonau@hotmail.com before taking legal action.