Some oldies to get us through the day.
RPAU’s instagram lay dormant for almost a year before we decided to become a little more active.  Some of you will have noticed that we have been posting more frequently over the past few months.  Jules uploads some of her amazing edits, I post links to RPAU’s Week in Review and Michelle randomly selects pics of Robert.  Just thought I’d let you know that we’re there now if you want to follow.  There’s a link on the sidebar just under our Twitter feed for ease.  Because let’s face it, there can never be too much Robert in our lives … ever.
It was 3 years ago today that we had the privilege of meeting and speaking with Rob up close for the first time and luckily it’s been captured.  I couldn’t think of a better Throwback Thursday, although how we will ever be able to compete with Rob turning up for Michelle’s celebrations in 2012 is beyond me.  Thank you Rob.  PS.  The photos still do not do justice to that suit and shirt that I know a lot of people didn’t like.  In person it looked fabulous on Rob.
Photos taken by RPAU
Wow, it’s Lisa’s birthday and I’ve been so crazy busy, I didn’t have time to buy a fancy gift. But I would like to give her something that is uniquely me.
Hmmmmm…I think I’ve got it!
Some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Got a freezer full from The Daily Show. Snickerdoodle sounds yummy. Of course I have two spoons.
I thought we could share some of my Cinnamon Toast Crunch from Good Morning America.
Here’s a special smile just for you…
And last but not least…
what’s a birthday celebration without some swagger
Happy Birthday, Lisa! Â I feel honored to have you as a friend and am thankful to Rob for bringing us all together. Hope the year ahead is filled with happiness, laughter, and good times spent with good friends. And may all of your birthday wishes come true!
Yes well the M&M’s can get all on the cheating with their fancy vids and gifs and Rome Rob and smoking Tyler … Â they leave me no option but to play the more collective, perhaps classy card (lol). Â So when Rob spoke to me this evening, here’s what he had to say. Â Or should I say, here’s what he wanted to show YOU.
And can I just say, it wasn’t easy keeping Rome Rob out of it.
What a blast today has been. Â Sweet Dreams IF YOU CAN.
The M&M’s have been doing some yummy random posts and walks down memory lane recently. After a major high this weekend, am now suffering Mondayitus big time.  So by meeting those themes half way, I thought I’d share some of the goodness that is helping chase away the blues on this not so brightly afternoon. The first one in particular is one of my ALL time top 5 faves and never fails me.  Wishing you all a great week, enjoy!