Hope everyone had/is having a wonderful Christmas Day. It’s Boxing Day for those of us in Australia, a bit more of a relaxing one so thought I would share these beauties…

Hope everyone had/is having a wonderful Christmas Day. It’s Boxing Day for those of us in Australia, a bit more of a relaxing one so thought I would share these beauties…
I thought I might make this theme a regular thing. I mean there are SO many wonderful moments from Rob’s time in France over the years, they definitely need revisiting. Today we go back to May 2014 with this great video of highlights from the Maps To The Stars press conference. Happy Friday all!
Thought today we would reminisce with Rob at TIFF for Maps To The Stars back in 2014. Such good times. Happy Thursday everyone!
I just adore Rob as Salvador Dali, adore everything about this beautiful movie. Thought today, we would reminisce via these moments…