Maria, thought I would take the opportunity on this special occasion to say “THANK YOU” for all of your hard work and dedication in making RPAU such a classy, respectful place to stay up-to-date on Rob’s career. We appreciate it more than you know. I hope you have a fabulous day and that the coming year is filled with happiness and treasured memories. I’m so glad our appreciation of Rob brought us together and it’s a pleasure to contribute to supporting and promoting his projects. Happy Birthday and may all of your wishes come true! ((Hugs))
Happy Birthday Suze!
Kick starting celebrations from down under – Suze I hope you have the most fabulous weekend celebrating your birthday. Thank you so much for all you do for RPAU – I wouldn’t be able to do it without you. May the sun shine and the stars line up for all your dreams and wishes over the next 12 months. So glad Rob brought us together. Raises glass and sings “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you …”

Robert Pattinson as Samuel Alabaster in Damsel
For those who don’t have social media – here’s a fun little clip shared by #DamselMovie today
Robert Pattinson shows us his gun skills in new footage from DamselMovie

This is such a tease!
Robert Pattinson as Samuel Alabaster in Damsel
Didn’t have time to create these earlier today, so here they are to enjoy whilst we wait for the official trailer to be unleashed.
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Mug shots of Robert Pattinson as Connie Nikas

GoodTimeMov shared this great gif of Robert Pattinson as a younger Connie Nikas
Thanks to Posh here’s the screencaps
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