Rob and David Cronenberg will be in NYC for a Q & A on August 15th at 6:30PM to promote ‘Cosmopolis’.
Don’t miss award-winning director-writer-producer David Croenberg (‘A Dangereous Method’, ‘A History of Violence’ ‘ Eastern Promises’) and actor Robert Pattinson (‘The Twilight Saga’ ‘Water For Elephants’). Their new film ‘Cosmopolis’, based on the novel by Don DeLillo, debuted at the Cannes Film Festival and opens in New York on August 17.
Wednesday, August 15
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
The TimesCenter
242 West 41st St. NYC
Update:  the tickets  for the Q & A are SOLD OUT
Well according to Caryn James the answer is no or sort of. Oh well – like I’ve said before, it’s subjective and everyone is entitled to their opinions, everyone loved Titanic the movie – I would rather stick pins in my eyes than have to ever sit through that again. The Academy also gave Nicole Kidman an Oscar for The Hours when I thought Meryl Streep and Julianne Moore acted circles around her. And don’t even get me started about Gwenyth Paltrow who I have not watched in a film since Sliding Doors (and contrary to popular opinion her English accent made my ears bleed).  So all that I’m saying is – I’m posting this so that noone can say we are biased and only post positive opinions about Rob. The one thing though is that my understanding of what came out of Cannes was a pretty even 50/50 split of what they thought about Cosmopolis. Interesting twist on things …
“Robert Pattinson has made some daring artistic choices apart from his most famous, pasty-faced role; too bad so many of those fillms have been clunkers.
He played the young Salvador Dali in Little Ashes, a pre-Twilight film so badly written it left open the question of whether Pattinson could really act. He played the doomed young lover in the icky, maudlin Remember Me (2010), which grafts a contemporary Romeo and Juliet plot onto a 9-11 drama [Maria: I must have read a different Romeo & Juliette]; not his most inspired choice, but at least he was reaching for something serious again. And if Reese Witherspoon and circus animals couldn’t save the snoozefest that was Water for Elephants, you can’t hold Pattinson responsible for that one either.
 So we’re still wondering if he can act in strong sunlight and  — uh-oh —  along comes Bel Ami, a predictably pretty, unexpectedly moribund drama.
Yes Rob, we too are looking to the heavens to make sure these projects come to fruition. And please before I get the usual “anyone can change IMDb it’s like Wikipedia”, “IMDb isn’t gospel” blah blah blah – I KNOW (and this is Pro not the free site) so please do not rain on my parade. I’m just excited that there are projects listed because Lise-Lou can vouch for the fact I suffered RSI at the beginning of the year with the amount of times I checked to see if anything had been added.
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
Release Date: 17 July 2026. | Filming January to April 2025 (UK,Check out all upcoming information at our dedicated Film Page by clicking on News below
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