Thanks to the sleuthing of bluroblaze on Rob’s IMDb and @RoCp for bringing it to our attention, we have a little more information about High Life.
It looks like Film and Media Foundation NRWÂ awarded 50,000 euro in August to support a movie (in development) called “High Life” by Claire Denis, Jean-Pol Fargeau, Zadie Smith and Nick Laird. According to their press release “Dusseldorf, 03 September 2015. In its 152nd meeting, the Film and Media Foundation NRW promoted 30 projects with EUR 3 million”. Â According to @TiramiSue84 the comment on the wikipedia page referred to by bluroblaze mentions “that this particular kind of funding/support is given to producers with completed scripts headed towards start”.
I found this little bit of information on Film and Media Foundation’s website under “In Preparation”:
“Jean-Pol Fargeau, Claire Denis, Zadie Smith and Nick Laird write “High Life”. Looking for alternative energy sources, the government is sending spaceships. Since there is little hope of return, it offers highly qualified inmates to participate in the flight and therefore to circumvent their death sentences and long prison sentences. (Producer: Pandora Film, € 50,000)”
Jesus my anticipation for this film just went up 100 notches. Â Not just an astronaut, but a criminal – yeah?
Thanks bluroblaze, RoCp and TiramiSue84 for the team effort 😀