“Resilience” Book 2 released today!
You all know that we promote Rob 100%, but occasionally we pull out an extra 10% to promote Nick Osborne’s novels. As many of you know, Nick was the producer of Remember Me. I was fortunate enough to forge a friendship with Nick due to his involvement in that movie (and my constant querying about things to which he always politely responded). From that I may have volunteered to read an early draft of Refuge. To my surprise, Nick sent me a copy and I never looked back. I love Charlie & Noor’s relationship and the characters Nick has developed. When I got to the end of Book 1 – Refuge – I couldn’t wait to find out what happens in the next instalment. Lucky for me I read a draft of “Resilience” earlier this year and I was not disappointed. Now I’m hanging out for the third and final instalment. What to expect in book 2? Everything. Here’s the summary from Nick’s website:
“Noor has arrived in Saudi Arabia to begin her new life as a Princess, while Charlie is back in the United States having been deported from Pakistan.
For Noor, there is the temptation, given that she believes Charlie’s dead, to accept her new situation and assimilate into the Prince’s family. For Charlie, there is the temptation to come to terms with the fact that he’ll never see Noor again and move on.
But each, in their own way, resists. Noor yearns to be free, while Charlie yearns to free her. And so despite incredible odds, each sets a plan in a motion to achieve their goal.
In Resilience, the second novel of the Refuge trilogy, N.G. Osborne continues Noor and Charlie’s love story and in turn tests their love’s very resilience.”
As part of our 5 year anniversary celebrations, Nick has kindly agreed to personally sign 2 sets of “Refuge” and “Resilience” for us to give away. Â This competition is open worldwide. Â All you have to do is comment on this post and we will randomly select 2 lucky people*.
If you want more background on Nick or just want to purchase both Refuge or Resilience in paperback you should check out his website here or Refuge’s Facebook page here. Note: Resilience is currently only available in paperback, the ipad/Kindle version will be available from Amazon tomorrow. I’ll update this post once it’s live.
For those who want to purchase (thanks Cindy for the links):
Good luck everyone.
*Giveaway will close at 6pm (AEST) Sunday 10 November 2013.

I’m not sure what you’ve all done to deserve this but big thank you to Maria for asking me to share my review of Nick Osborne’s new book, “Refuge”. As Maria mentioned in her own review, (click here) if you are a fan of Remember Me you will know Nick was the producer of Remember Me. 
Before I go further, just a reminder that if you are a member of a bookclub Nick is willing to call in to do a Q&A with your group afterwards – an opportunity not to be missed surely? 
So onto my review! According to the blurb on amazon “Osborne spent twelve months as a volunteer for Project Trust working in a school and the Afghan refugee camps of Peshawar, Pakistan. This experience was the inspiration for this novel.†I just wanted to highlight that because it really does shine through in this book. In my sheltered little world it was a small window into another culture; a fascinating glimpse which at times was shocking and heart-breaking and others uplifting or funny. There is enough in the descriptions to fire the imagination which is how all the best books are, right?
Refuge is a touching love story which packs a real punch and keeps you guessing right to the end and beyond.  The central characters are Noor and Charlie; Noor is an independent minded, determined, beautiful young Afghani woman teaching girls at a local school; Charlie is a young Gulf war veteran, disillusioned with the army and now an aid worker de-mining for a local agency. Both call Peshawar home for the time being, both have dreams of something better.  There are of course many other characters involved in this story; Noor’s father, a former professor and refreshingly open in his outlook for his daughters’ future; Tariq, her brother and now involved with Mujahideen led by a Saudi Prince, both intent on power, and many more intriguing characters throughout. I think Charlie’s friend and deputy, Wali, needs a comment all to himself because he is truly wonderful. I would pay good money to read so much more from both of them! They are such fun and when things get tough you care all the more for them.
The story itself begins with Noor and her family fleeing Afghanistan in 1981 before ending up in the refugee camp, practically scratching out their existence. Noor has her heart set on obtaining a scholarship from a Western University which she sees as her only opportunity to escape from the daily struggles and provide a chance at a real future. Needless to say when Charlie literally bumps into her on her way home one day and follows her she eyes him with contempt and suspicion. However, when Tariq callously betrays her, Noor and her family seek refuge in Charlie’s house and what follows is an incredible rollercoaster of a novel and one I whole-heartedly recommend. The main characters are strong, compelling and sympathetic; it is impossible not to get swept along with them on this journey. If I have one complaint it would just be that I didn’t want it to end; I couldn’t get enough of Charlie or Noor. If there’s any justice the next book in the series will follow shortly. Refuge truly is an epic story in every sense.
Do yourself a favour, read this book and if the above hasn’t convinced you I’ll leave the final words with Noor’s father, because they are perfect: “You woke up her soul, Charlie. How could a father not be gladdened by that?â€
You can find Refuge at the following: Amazon and iTunes (search “osborne – refugeâ€).
I know we say we are 100% Rob all the time, but I’m taking this one opportunity to promote a fantastic read and you know we don’t stray from Rob so this must be good.  Most of us know Nick Osborne as the producer of Remember Me, but what some of you might not know is that for the past 5 years Nick has been writing a novel. And what a novel it is. I was lucky enough earlier this year to have read an advanced copy and have been dying to share this incredible story with all of you. Nick emailed me this morning that the eBook is now available at Amazon, Barnes&Noble and iTunes (search “osborne – refuge”). For the next two weeks it’s just $0.99, so be quick to purchase your kindle version for this amazing price. Honestly you will NOT be disappointed. Here’s my review in case I haven’t intrigued you enough:
“What can be more compelling than forbidden love? Refuge introduces us to two unlikely lovers, Charlie a US aid worker and Noor, a headstrong Afghani refugee now living in Peshawar.
From the opening chapters, where we are introduced to Noor’s family as they flee Afghanistan and Charlie, a 25 year old Gulf War veteran who wants to make a difference in the world, to the compelling final chapter, I could not put this book down.
Not only are we introduced to the two main characters, but we are captivated by the myriad of characters involved along the way. Aamir, Noor’s father, a former English professor, and definitely not your stereotypical Muslim father, only wants what’s best for his daughters. Noor’s brother, Tariq, however, has joined forces with a radical mujahideen group and has different plans for Noor. Add to this Elma Kuyt, an ambitious Dutch aid worker, Ivor Gardener, a CIA agent, a Saudi Prince and numerous desperate Pakistani’s and what N Osborne has done is magically weave an intriguing and captivating story.
Will Charlie and Noor find love? Will Noor’s ambition lead her elsewhere? What will happen with the Saudi Prince? If you enjoy angst/romance, then this is definitely a novel you need to add to your Kindle – you won’t be disappointed. I know I wasn’t. I hope Nick Osborne continues Charlie & Noor’s story because this tale has the makings of a saga that I would be more than happy to follow.”
 Quick – go buy the eBook now!
Since we last told you about the BD Companion, the cover art has been released…

We all know what we think of that pic so I’ll say no more – but seriously couldn’t they have chosen a better pic?? *shakes head* Â Anyways, the companion is released in Australia, UK & US on December 13. Â Thanks to Dell we can now tell you, if you pre-order from Australian bookstore Booktopia you may receive your copy before the publish date. This is what their website says:
“This title is not yet published. Please place your order today and we will pre-order a copy with the publisher so you will receive your order just after the publish date. Most titles are released before the publish date so you may receive it earlier.”
To pre-order in all three countries, just click on the separate hyperlinks above.  Fingers crossed for LOTS of Eddie pics in the companion & NOT insanely photoshopped ones please *glares*  Thanks for the email Dell!
Groom Eddie *sigh* Â Yeah I just wanted to post him again

I had confirmation this morning from the Australian publishers that the Breaking Dawn Pt 1, Illustrated Movie Companion will be released in Australia on 6 December 2011. So for those who can’t wait to own, better mark that in your diaries!
Michelle I love your gif!

For those who purchase each of the Twilight Movie Companions, thought we would let you know that the Breaking Dawn Part One Companion is now available for pre-order at the following: – Released 6 December 2011 – No release date listed as yet
The Companion is listed on as ‘Published on 6 December 2011 – typically received in 10-15 working days after publication date’ so if you pre-order from there at this stage,  it is still dispatched to you from overseas.  When the official Australian release date is known, we’ll let you all know.
UPDATE: Â Pre-Order From The Book Depository. Â Oh how I love their free worldwide shipping. Thanks to @CarinaOlsen for the link.
Hope you’ve put LOTS of Eddie pics in this one people’s *glares*