Remember when we posted about the book here, well Jules just sent me an email with the scans from her copy.
Thanks again Jules! Love the pic that’s been chosen.
Remember when we posted about the book here, well Jules just sent me an email with the scans from her copy.
Thanks again Jules! Love the pic that’s been chosen.
I really hope this book doesn’t end up being like 1000 Lives, yep we all remember that well *sad face* Fingers crossed for some new DiorRob pics in this one – excites at the thought. Here’s some info about the book & the cover thanks to Harpers Bazaar:
The book can be pre-ordered from:
Angus & Robertson (Australia) here with a release date of 29 April  2014. [Maria: You can also pre-order at Bookworld and if you are a Citizen (which is a matter of just joining you can purchase for $49.49 with free delivery! – click here]
Amazon UK here with a release date of 29 April  2014. Thanks so much to Jules for the tip. here & will be released on June 10 2014.
I LOVE that Rob is on the cover of World Film Locations: Toronto. Â It will be published in April 2014 & can be purchased right here. Â How great does it sound:
Toronto is a changing city that has been a source of reflection and inspiration to writers and artists whose work focuses on the conditions and prospects of human life. A city on the move, it demands policies and regulation, and it offers the pleasures and perils of the massive and the anonymous. As a site of study, the city is inherently multidisciplinary, with natural ties to history, geography, sociology, architecture, art history, literature, and many other fields.
World Film Locations: Toronto explores and reveals the relationship between the city and cinema using a predominately visual approach. The juxtaposition of the images used in combination with insightful essays helps to demonstrate the role that the city has played in a number of hit films, including Cinderella Man, American Psycho, and X-Men and encourages the reader to frame an understanding of Toronto and the world around us. The contributors trace Toronto’s emergence as an international city and demonstrate the narrative interests that it has continued to inspire among filmmakers, both Canadian and international.
With support from experts in Canadian studies, the book’s selection of films successfully shows the many facets of Toronto and also provides insider’s access to a number of sites that are often left out of scholarship on Toronto in films, such as the Toronto International Film Festival. The 2014 release of this attractive volume will be a particularly welcome addition to the international celebrations of the city’s 180th anniversary.
Thank you so much to Tom for sending us the cover image & details. Â We have asked Tom if there are any more pictures of Rob inside the book & will let you know once we know.
UPDATED:Â Tom has told us that there is an entry on Cosmopolis in the book & also that Maps To The Stars & Life will be covered in the book’s next edition which is really exciting. Â Thanks so much once again to Tom for the information, we really appreciate it.
I know there are some of you who have read Refuge followed by Resilience and are waiting to see Charlie and Noor’s fate in Book 3. Last week Nick gave us a preview on Refuge’s Facebook
“As I am embarking on the third book, I am re-reading the old book three. Plenty of things will need to change but I am surprised how much still works and how much I am enjoying it. Anyway I thought I would share with you the first paragraphs … remember they are written in Charlie’s voice …
 I always heard the crackle of the speaker however deeply asleep I was.
 After eight years, nine months and twenty-twodays of calling this cell in Buraydah prison my home my very being was attunedto anticipate it. Most often, and this day was no exception, it was followed bya couple of vigorous coughs and a snort. And then the imam began to wail thewords of the adhan, the Muslim call to prayer.
For the next couple of minutes I lay on my back as he extolled Allah as the greatest, Muhammad as his messenger and urged the prisoners to make haste towards prayer because prayer is better than sleep. I always took issue with the last part. How I yearned for a couple more hours.
Of course the words he recited were in Arabicnot English but by now I was almost fluent in the former. I had realized earlyon that if I was to survive in this place I needed to learn the language andKadhim, my closest cellmate, had agreed to teach me. Even to this day he wouldcorrect my pronunciation though it gave me great pride that he had fewer andfewer opportunities to do so.
I wish we could have given everyone a signed copy, but the 2 lucky winners of our giveaway are:
1. Ephie
2. Flavia
Congratulations. I’ll be sending you both an email to find out your contact details etc.
Thanks again Nick for this opportunity.
We all know that this AMAZING book is set to come out on November 13 & we now have some further info that is featured in this snippet from  November issue of Men’s Style.
Only 500 copies, I hope we all got our orders in there in time *bites nails* The article mentions it can be ordered through but it’s actually Amazon UK. Â How FANTASTIC does this sound – exciting!