Some of you will remember the post we did earlier in February this year about Bluewater Productions clever idea of tracing Rob’s career through a 32 page comic book. Well MTV has yet another exclusive look at this comic book which, by the way, will be released on 26 May 2010:
“Back in February, we told you about that “Twilight” star Robert Pattinson would receive his own comic book biography, following on the heels of such notable pop-culture celebrities as Lady GaGa, “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling, Michael Jackson, and even his “Twilight” co-star, Kristen Stewart.
Hitting shelves at the end of May, “Fame: Robert Pattinson” is the latest in Bluewater Productions’ popular line of bio-comics. The 32-page comic promises to “trace Pattinson’s career from his first performance in Tess of the D’Urbervilles at London’s Barnes Theatre to his star turn in the Twilight movies,” and features a script by Kim Sherman and interior art by Nathaniel Ooten.
Bluewater has provided Splash Page readers with an exclusive, six-page preview of the “Fame: Robert Pattinson” comic, as well as your first look at a brand new cover for the issue.”
I’m not sure if the Comic Book stores in Australia will have this, so you might want to call, but failing that – it’s available for preorder at Amazon by clicking here.

Previously proposed cover – I prefer the new one

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MTV have an exclusive look at a the “new cover for “Fame: Robert Pattinson,” as well as an exclusive preview of interior art from the comic. Arriving on shelves in May, the 32-page comic promises to “trace Pattinson’s career from his first performance in Tess of the D’Urbervilles at London’s Barnes Theatre to his star turn in the Twilight movies.” I’m not sure if it will be available instore in  Australia and I’m still trying to find out, so once I know when and where, I will let you all know. It’s an interesting concept to actually bring Rob’s bio in comic book form. Clever people at Bluewater Productions. Here’s a look at the pics but if you want to read more of the article, click on the MTV link above.

I might just have to admit that I may have picked up and looked through a copy of this when I was at Borders doing my Christmas shopping.  Well I could always pretend I was contemplating it as a gift – haha right. Well thanks to our awesome affiliate Grace from MrPattinson here’s two of my favourite pics of Rob from GoF days.  If  you want to see the rest of the scans then I recommend you head on over by clicking on the link.  If you feel the urge to buy the book, then you can click on the Borders link above.

We are very fortunate to have Alisande from Plexus Publishing sent us a copy of the Robert Pattinson Album. I’ve just finished reading it and I must say that I’m impressed. The glossy, A4 pictures were gorgeous but the written content of this book was quite impressive. It is an ‘unauthorised’ biography, but everything that Paul Stenning wrote was well researched, and I have actually read a lot of it from various interviews that Rob has previously done.
This book actually provides you with an extensive background on Robert, his career aspirations and hopes for the future. Compared to a lot of other ‘unauthorised’ biographies out there, this book doesn’t make me feel like I’m reading a gossip magazine. Every chapter of the book sounds professional, objective and very much fact-oriented. I am embarrassed to admit this, but I own quite a few of these ‘unauthorised’ biographies ( I would rather not tell you which ones they are). Nevertheless, if you would like to own only one book, this one comes highly recommended.
This book is already available in the US and UK at the moment. However, Australians and New Zealanders will have to wait a little longer. The book has found a publisher here, Five Miles Press. It will be available in Australia and New Zealand (at a much more reasonable price) very very soon. We will keep you updated with when it’s going to be available on bookstores and where you can get them from.

We have just received some more good news in regards to the ‘Robert Pattinson Album‘ book! The book’s rights have been bought by Five Mile Press and they will make sure that it will be available in Australia and New Zealand asap. Instead of buying from Amazon (and incurring that ridiculously huge amount of shipping costs) it’s defitinely worth waiting for this book to come out at a bookstore near you. We will update you with news on when and where you can get the book!
By the way, I just adore that ‘close-up’ picture of Rob, all in black. I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures in this book.

Good news for everyone who are waiting in anticipation to buy this lovely book. This book is filled with 75-pages of beautiful & glossy pictures of Rob accompanied by a well-researched biography. I was informed by Alisande from Plexus Publishing UK that they have found an Australian distributor. This means that we will be able to purchase this book from Australian and NZ bookstores in a few months time. If you absolutely can’t wait to get your hands on this book, you can get it from Amazon from the 17th of February.
For more information on the book, please go to their Official Myspace site.