Need I say more …
‘King Salvador’
There truly are no words to describe Rob as Salvador Dali in Little Ashes. Â I adore him, adore this beautiful film. The part of this scene is one of my most faves, tears my heart out each & every time. Â So beautifully played by Rob & also Javier Beltran as Federico. Â I could go on forever with my praise for them all. Sit back & enjoy the brilliance that is Rob’s portrayal of Salvador Dali
Jumper. My favourite jumper (sweater) is brought to you by a very handsome young man. I feel this one deserves it’s own post. Yes. And don’t forget the big clicky action.
Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy always seems to bring out the best of Rob. Actually Rob always entertains when he’s on any talk shows hence why Michelle and I unknowingly went with the same theme for J! Here’s a few of my fave scenes from his last appearance promoting The Rover last year. Love.
‘Jay Leno’
So many wonderful & special moments from Rob’s appearances on Jay’s show. Who can ever forget when Rob read out some of his Dad’s email to him, awwww too sweet. Â Let’s celebrate with some of my fave moments…
flashback, while working the Inglorious Basterds red carpet in Cannes. Happy days!
Don’t forget the big clicky action.