These photos needed their own post. I always love Jay L Clendenin’s photoshoots of Rob. The photos were part of an interview for the LA Times which I will add to the interview to Magazine Master Post

These photos needed their own post. I always love Jay L Clendenin’s photoshoots of Rob. The photos were part of an interview for the LA Times which I will add to the interview to Magazine Master Post
"ok guys, I want something a bit more serious, let's try a hand on Rob's shoulder…"
— Jay L. Clendenin / onto the next… (@jaylclendenin) March 3, 2022
the making of a portrait with The Batmen#RobertPattinson @mattreevesLA #TheBatman
for #latimes
it's not ALWAYS so serious…
— Jay L. Clendenin / onto the next… (@jaylclendenin) March 3, 2022
but it is a dark film, so, yeah, we did a bunch of "two stoic dudes"#TheBatman #RobertPattinson
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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Posted on March 04, 2022
In the article he says this:
"Pattinson: In our first meeting, Matt mentioned Kurt Cobain was one of the linchpins of the character. Just that put something in my head. There’s something about this kind of self-imposed torment that I always found really interesting and also inheriting a life that you’re not entirely sure you want but also feel like you cannot give up at all. I remember we also talked a lot about Michael Corleone. "
"also inheriting a life that you’re not entirely sure you want …" — that applies to his own sudden fame/wealth after Twilight and he ought to know!
Posted on March 04, 2022
Compliments to the photographer. These pictures are tremendous. The vibe they generate must go well with the movie.