Robert Pattinson to co-host the first virtual Go Global Gala
The Go Global Gala has been moved from 17 October 2020 to 24 October 2020. Variety has shared this statement from Rob:
I’m grateful that we can still come together virtually and now globally to help raise funds for Go Campaign and its mission to support families and children worldwide,†Pattinson said in a statement on Thursday morning.
Interestingly it is being reported that Rob will be filming The Batman in Chicago and it does coincide with the weekend of 24 October 2020. Perhaps the 2 hour time difference to LA which would see Rob join the virtual event at 8pm rather than the 8 hour time difference from London which would have him join at 2am is better suited. Not suggesting they changed the date for Rob, but it may be to his benefit if he is in fact going to be in Chicago.
NOTE: For Aussies – 6pm LA time will be Sunday 12.00pm 25 October 2020
Reserve your ticket HERE
Initial post: 4 September 2020
Originally tweeted by Black Mamba (@erika_dd) on September 3, 2020.
From Go Campaign
In an effort to ensure the safety and health of our community, we are pleased to announce that the 2020 GO Gala will be going virtual for the first time ever! We are excited to embrace this opportunity to engage our community all over the world, and come together for a night of fun that will help change the lives of thousands of children from East Africa to East LA.