Robert Pattinson Scene Stealer Extraordinaire
Jeva Lange from The Week has written an opinion piece about Robert Pattinson and his scene stealing performances. Below is an excerpt, but you should read the entire article by clicking on the link HERE:
I wish I could tell you more about their performances [ensemble cast in The Devil All the Time], but by the end of the film, the only thing I could think about was Robert Pattinson.
It’s admittedly baffling that the former Harry Potter and Twilight star somewhere along the line morphed into one of the greatest living actors, but it’s even more baffling still that he keeps somehow getting cast in secondary roles where he then effortlessly snatches the movie away from the sorry souls who’d signed up thinking they were going to get to be the “leads.” How has no one learned better yet? You don’t want to be in a movie with this guy; he’s only going to steal the show.
The Devil All the Time is only the latest example …
Part of why Pattinson’s performances in The Devil All the Time and The King rise above his hapless costars’ is because it seems as if he frequently operates on a totally different page than the rest of the cast and crew. In the moody and atmospheric The Lighthouse, where he plays more of a true co-lead, for example, Pattinson claimed that he “didn’t really think it was a horror film, because I thought it was so funny.” Some believed he was trolling with his over-the-top French accent in The King. Mashable’s Angie Han, in sharing her pan of The Devil All the Time, suggested that Pattinson was actually doing a sort of meta-performance with his campy, whining reverend, claiming he was the only one on set who seemed to recognize how comedic the movie actually was. Though I felt more generously toward The Devil All the Time than she did, I’m convinced by her argument; Pattinson stands out because his performances are often cleverer than the movies he’s in. When that’s the case, his more earnest costars don’t stand a chance.
Posted on September 19, 2020
I’m sorry, but if I was ever offered a role in ANYTHING alongside Robert Pattinson, the LAST thing I’d be doing is running! LOL
Posted on September 19, 2020
My thoughts exactly- even if it was as an extra!