Robert Pattinson as Eric Michael Packer in #Cosmopolis
UPDATED: 6 April 2020
Bringing this forward as we’re celebrating Rob’s performance in Cosmopolis as our Movie Monday on Twitter and Instagram today. I posted this back in August 2018 – so it’s actually almost 8 years since we were blessed with this great performance.
It’s hard to believe that Cosmopolis came out 6 years ago, but I’m glad it did and it can certainly be considered the precursor for so many brilliant performances from Rob since that time. It should be no surprise then that I thought we should kickstart the week by celebrating Rob’s performance in this film. Thank you Mr Cronenberg for believing in Rob and helping to unlock the potential we all knew was there. Say hello to Eric Michael Packer …

Posted on August 13, 2018
SIX YEARS???? where has the time gone. I might just have to go click on the Cosmopolis trailer for old times’ sake…….. Thanks Mr Cronenberg, for sure. *wavesatEric*