February 17th, 2020 / 0 comments

Robert Pattinson tells GQ Russia “My main weakness is beer”

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From GQ Russia (Google translation):

We, as staunch fashion police officers, closely monitor your style. Moreover, last year you became the most stylish man according to the Russian GQ. Tell me how you choose the images and what is important to you? 

I am sure that style plays an incredibly large role in the life of every person. We can deny this, but in reality everyone thinks about what he is wearing and how this reflects his character. For example, a thing can be completely simple, uncomplicated, but it’s much more interesting to look at a certain person than on a hanger. We know the stories of billionaires who wore simply jeans, T-shirts and turtlenecks, but this has become a cult style. It doesn’t matter how sophisticated the thing itself is. You only need to consider how she sits specifically on you – how much this thing is yours. Despite all my experiments with style on the red carpet, I am a simple guy, I like not to stand out and dress modestly in everyday life. You know, I would say that my style is a mix of boring things of a pensioner and stupid cool clothes of a seven-year-old child. Although at the same time I madly love everything that Kim Jones does. He changed Dior, now this brand is fully consistent with my taste. Kim understands very well what I need. 

So you decided to become the hero of the campaign of the new perfume Dior Homme? 

Not only because of friendship with Kim, of course. I knew it would be a great experience. Everything turned out quite spontaneously, I met at one party one of the representatives of Dior, we chatted, and I was invited to become the hero of a new video and campaign. I listened to music, it was amazing, and I realized that it makes no sense to abandon a cool project in which I can take part. 

Your main task in this video was to dance. In the movie, you did not often have to dance. Was it easy to handle this role? 

Oh no. It was completely not easy. On the contrary, it is incredibly difficult. I was terrified of the prospect that I would have to dance on camera, that millions of people would see it. Waiting for filming for several months, I was terribly embarrassed and worried. He even recorded his dances on video to understand how well I am doing. And it was a complete failure (laughs). I thought that when Dior saw me dance, they themselves would regret calling. But when we started shooting, the guys showed me absurd off-screen movements to make me laugh, and the professional dancers with whom we worked on the campaign inspired me not to give up. In the end, everything worked out. 

What is your favorite scent?

This is the smell of London. You fly to this city, go down the ladder and immediately feel its aroma. London smells absolutely special. Every time I return to this city, I immediately plunge into memories. The scent of London is the strongest trigger for me. Especially if the rain has just ended, I just immediately plunge into a wave of memories and nostalgia, smelling this. In general, it seems to me that we always associate fragrances with events from life, and that is why we love or hate them. 

How do you decide whether to star in a movie? 

First of all, the director influences my choice. For me, this is even more important than the script. Well, I’m always ready to agree to the shooting, if it’s something cool, crazy, hooligan. I do not like boring movies. Therefore, all my latest films are so different. 

How do you cheer yourself up when you feel sad? 

I don’t even know what to answer this question, because I have not been discouraged and sad for a long time. I’m generally a positive guy (laughs).

What scares you?

You won’t believe it, but it’s a rehearsal. Every day is the same. I repeat the same remarks and movements. Every now and again. I hate this whole Groundhog Day. 

What would you like to change in yourself?

The older I get, the easier it is for me to put up with my shortcomings and the less I want to change something in myself. But I definitely would like to move cool and dance well.

What is your biggest weakness in life? 

Beer (laughs) . 

What is your strength?

I am very patient. I am always ready to fight and fight to the last, no matter what. 

Where do you see yourself in 20 years? 

On a desert island. I’d love to retire somewhere in the middle of the ocean. Hopefully in 20 years we will still have uninhabited islands. 

And what else in life would you like to do if you get tired of being an actor?

I would probably like to create my own brand of clothing. I would be interested to come up with collections. And I would also try myself in wall-up. But I’m sure it will be a terrible sight (laughs) .

How do you usually relax?

A few years ago, I discovered meditation, and I really like vipassana and other practices. And I really love just walking. Always happy to walk an hour and unwind. It helps to relax. 

Photographer: Mikael Jansson

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Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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Tenet Role: Neil
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
Director: Robert Eggers
Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

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