Time for RPAU birthday celebrations!
Happy Birthday Suze – hope your day is filled with love, happiness and most importantly fun. I say it every year, but thank you for all you do – I couldn’t do this alone. We hope this kickstarts your celebrations *pops a bottle of champagne*
Love Maria & Vertigo.
Happy Birthday Suze. We hope you have the most amazing day. I know it's not your birthday yet in the US, but you know at RPAU we like to start the celebrations off early. Here's a little vid I put together for you this week - amongst all the excitement…

Happy Birthday Suze! Kick starting celebrations from down under - Suze I hope you have the most fabulous weekend celebrating your birthday. Thank you so much for all you do for RPAU - I wouldn't be able to do it without you. May the sun shine and the stars line…

Rob thought formal wear was only fitting for this special occasion. We wanted to take a moment, Maria, to thank you for your dedication and hard work these past 12 years to make RPAU a classy, respectful, go-to source for all the latest news on Rob's career. Our shared appreciation…
Posted on June 16, 2019
Happy Birthday Suze!
Sending you wishes for all the good stuff you deserve and a huge Thankyou for all you do.
Posted on June 17, 2019
Happy birthday Suze! Thanks for everything you do for RPAU – good to see Rob blowing out candles in your honour! Hope your celebrations include a little Rob time xxx