May 18th, 2019 / 0 comments

Robert Pattinson The Souvenir Part 2 starts filming 3 June 2019

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With all the Batman hullabaloo I forgot to post an update on what we know so far on The Souvenir Part 2. For those who follow on Twitter you will have seen that I’ve been tweeting about Rob’s involvement this week. There’s been confusion given the news of Rob’s involvement in the upcoming Christopher Nolan film which is also supposedly shooting for 4 months from June and whether Rob is still attached to The Souvenir. It hasn’t helped that Joanna Hogg has been “silent” about what is happening although she has never denied his involvement. Below are a few extracts from recent interviews given the release of The Souvenir Part 1 in the US this week:

From IndieWire (note byline states film won’t be ready for Sundance 2020)

While Hogg declined to offer any details about the role Robert Pattinson will play in the film — asked if she could share anything, Hogg only said, “No, no. No, I’m afraid not.” — but it seems likely he’ll appear as a new love interest for Julie. 

From Variety (interview with Producer Luke Schiller):

Hogg is renowned for working without scripts. “She likes to retain flexibility and keep us on our toes,” says Schiller. “There’s no dialogue; everything is improvised. She would just say to Honor, ‘walk in and there’s going to be a surprise’.”

[Schiller] is now busy prepping the sequel. “We’re due to start shooting on June 3 in Norfolk, England, at an abandoned aircraft hangar the size of Pinewood’s Bond studio,” says Schiller, who runs his own Atlas Films shingle. “We’ve converted it into the flat and film studios for the movie, while also using it as a studio ourselves. It’s a multi-purpose set, very Joanna-esque.

From The Film Stage

Looking ahead, I know you’re probably still prepping the sequel, but you announced some of the cast, Robert Pattinson is joining. This movie ends with one of the most beautiful ending shots and I’m curious what kind of ideas you’re playing with next and if you’re excited to bring some new faces to this universe.

It’s definitely a new phase. The second film will be a film in its own right, you shouldn’t have to see the films as a pair. I’m challenging myself in the next film to not just sit back on the ideas I’ve developed in part one but to really move forward and take new risks. Of course, there’s a danger that those who like part one might find things in part two different. They might like it more or less, but I can’t really think about that. It’s quite strange for me to be promoting part one at the point I’m jumping off into part two, which is why I’m not reading anything about part one. I don’t want it to scare me in a way. I want to continue to take risks and connect it to part one and that it’s a continuation of Julie’s life as a film student and as a filmmaker and we go a lot more into the territory of filmmaking.

Looking forward to seeing Part 1 at the Sydney Film Festival.

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Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 18 April 2025 (US). | Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Die, My Love Role: TBA
Director: Lynne Ramsay
Release Date: Expected 2025

The Drama Role: TBA
Director: Kristoffer Borgli
Release Date: Expected 2025. Currently Filming – 21 October 2024 rumoured to conclude 13 December 2024.

The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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