October 14th, 2018 / 0 comments

Roundup of reactions to Robert Pattinson #HighLife Long Awaited Trailer

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Wildbunch released the long awaited trailer for #HighLife and here are some of the initial reactions:

Geek Tyrant “Robert Pattinson is on a Spacecraft Full of Convicts and Death Row Inmates in The Trailer For HIGH LIFE”

Robert Pattinson has a new sci-fi space thriller coming out called High Life and it actually looks pretty damn good. The movie doesn’t look anything like I expected it to be and that’s a good thing. It looks better, darker, and more insane.

Refinery 29 “Robert Pattinson’s Trippy High Life Takes You Out Of This World”

The trailer feels like a high-octane psychological thriller, but infused with the eroticism Denis became known for in previous movies such as Chocolat. Though the film is science fiction, it appears to remain grounded in exploring the depths of the human condition more so than the depths of space.

Consequence of Sound “André 3000 and Robert Pattinson get sucked into a black hole in first trailer for High Life”

One of our favorite films out of this year’s Toronto International Film Festival was Claire Denis’ surreal sci-fi stunner, High Life. Starring Robert Pattinson, who’s on an impeccable run of indie darlings (see: Good Time, The Lost City of Z, and Damsel), the film follows a bunch of convicts enlisting in an experimental voyage that goes straight into a black hole. Sounds fun, huh?

The Playlist ‘High Life’ Trailer: Claire Denis & Robert Pattinson Take An Interstellar Trip’ 

Reaping the benefits of a big name lead and her biggest budget to date, Claire Denis is about to expose herself to a wider audience than her career’s ever seen before with her English-language sci-fi “High Life.” But if her recent take on the rom-com genre, “Let the Sunshine In,” is anything to go by, the filmgoing public be would be ill-advised to approach this space drama expecting thrills in a “Gravity” or “Interstellar” vein. …  Robert Pattinson, who continues to rack up his indie-arthouse credentials …

Egotastic “Robert Pattinson Heads For a Black Hole in Debut Trailer for Claire Denis’ ‘High Life’” 

From the looks of it, the film joins other recent challenging sci-fi films like Under the Skin and Ex Machina, films that aren’t interested in providing answers to any questions, but rather seek to pose questions that audience can wrestle with long after the film is over. Reaction to the film out of this year’s Toronto International Film Festival suggests that this will be a film that is difficult to love but impossible not to admire.

Film Book Death Row In-mate Robert Pattinson’s Second Chance in Space”

I thought this film might be another spartan indie sci-fi film but when this trailer gets going from the middle to the end, it shows that High Life is anything but ordinary. High Life‘s premise is interesting as well but the problem with it is oversight. Are these criminals really given the run of the spaceship with no type of control present or guards?

Slash Film ‘High Life’ Trailer: Robert Pattinson Gets Weird in Space

High Life finds Robert Pattinson aboard a spacecraft full of convicts and death row inmates who are being used as guinea pigs in a mission heading towards the black hole closest to Earth. But the story doesn’t seem as straightforward as the logline, and this looks like quite the cerebral sci-fi thriller full of odd and perplexing characters and behavior. …  And judging by the trailer, this seems like one of those films that you may need time to process, mostly because you won’t be able to shake the imagery out of your head.

IndieWire ‘High Life’ First Trailer: Robert Pattinson Blasts Off in Claire Denis’ Erotic Space Thriller

Never fear, director Claire Denis’ first foray into English-language filmmaking doesn’t appear to have put any kind of hitch in her unique step. The “Chocolat” and “Trouble Every Day” filmmaker has turned her attention to the wilds of space with her Robert Pattinson-starring “High Life.” The ambitious sci-fi thriller puts a twist on classic space films like “2001” and “Alien,” unspooling a strange and sexy exploration of both the human condition and the universe itself.

Screen Anarchy “Claire Denis and Robert Pattinson Get Space Madness”

Based on the first footage here, it seems like High Life will be a slow-burning and thought-provoking science fiction film for those with a tolerance for artsy space movies bordering on the incomprehensible …

The Film Stage “Robert Pattinson Heads to Space in First Trailer for Claire Denis’ ‘High Life’”

She may be expanding her scope (and reaching entirely new audiences with her first foray into the English language with a Robert Pattinson-led A24 release), but Claire Denis has lost none of her daring vision with High Life. An unclassifiable, riveting journey into the depths of the unknown (both as it pertains to space and human desires), ahead of a release in France, the first brief teaser and more has arrived.

PopSugar “Robert Pattinson Is on a Twisted Space Mission in the Unsettling Trailer For High Life”

Robert Pattinson is starring in a forthcoming sci-fi film that looks like Passengers, but better. 

Complex “André 3000 Heads to Space In ‘High Life’ Trailer” 

In a tense new trailer, a voice-over explains the central conceit of the film. André —along with Robert Pattinson and Juliette Binoche — is part of a celestial crew of convicts. Their primary mission is to see if it is possible to harvest the energy of a black hole. Tensions flare and the cuts get quicker as the trailer goes along, moving from long shots of sterile spacecraft hallways to half-second flashes of blood. It’s definitely out of this world, but we wouldn’t call it extraterrestrial. These characters seem to be far too human.

And here’s some great reactions from Twitter


If you haven’t watched the trailer – join the 51,000+ who have and find out what all the fuss is about HERE

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Director: Kristoffer Borgli
Release Date: Expected 2025. | Post production as at 14 December 2024.

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