Wow, where has the year gone to?  Only seems like yesterday we were starting our 12 Days of Christmas for 2015.  We have loved bringing you this little Christmas treat for the past 4 years & are so excited to be bringing it to you once again in 2016.  For those who are unsure how this works or just need a refresher, over the 12 days we will post a Rob treat behind each door. All you have to do is follow Rob’s beautiful characters (Jacob, Art, Rey, Georges etc) to see what they lead us to. Each treat will then remain behind it’s door for the 12 days.  I start today with Jacob, let’s see where he leads us shall we

Posted on December 14, 2016
Wonderful selection Michelle – some of my faves are in there too.
Am loving the Sydney feel to the new banner – thanks Jules!
Posted on December 14, 2016
He ages better than wine.
Great collage, Michelle.
Gorgeous banner, Jules.
Posted on December 14, 2016
Fantastic kick off! Thanks Michelle and Jules for the banner.
It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas …
Posted on December 15, 2016
thanks for starting this off Michelle and in such glorious style!! wow! Brilliant stuff!! <3 *mwah*