RPAU’s instagram lay dormant for almost a year before we decided to become a little more active.  Some of you will have noticed that we have been posting more frequently over the past few months.  Jules uploads some of her amazing edits, I post links to RPAU’s Week in Review and Michelle randomly selects pics of Robert.  Just thought I’d let you know that we’re there now if you want to follow.  There’s a link on the sidebar just under our Twitter feed for ease.  Because let’s face it, there can never be too much Robert in our lives … ever.

RPAustralia 12 Months of Rob 2018 Calendar Happy New Year  Here is our RPAustralia calendar for 2018. As with the previous versions the ‘winning’ images from each month of RPAU’s 12 months of Rob votes are used so this calendar really is yours, chosen by you. These images are…

Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays - hugs and Rob goodness to one and all.xx So it falls to Eric to give you our final gift. Follow, follow....hint - all images voted for by you throughout the year :) If you've missed any of the 12 days, don't worry -…
I made this for Suze last June celebrating her birthday and Rob promoting Cosmopolis Vimeo Robert Pattinson: Turn Me On from RPAustralia on Vimeo.
Posted on April 22, 2016
Ain’t that the TRUTH Maria!!!
Hope everyone enjoys Instagram with RPAU, I have a feeling you will *wink*
Posted on April 22, 2016
I love that I’m not on instagram, but I can still appreciate the beauty …… well done, Ladies! And of course, I would LIKE them all if I could!
Posted on April 22, 2016
Mwah! You girls do so much xx
Posted on April 23, 2016
I think I could get involved in Instagram. No crazies, right?
Well done Ladies. Where you find the time, I have no idea.