Where have all the years gone.  First let us start off by thanking Jules for her amazing artwork that she does for us here at RPAU.  Thank you isn’t enough Jules because I know how much time and effort must be involved, but I’m sure all will agree that the end result is always beyond words.  I’d also like to thank Michelle without whom RPAU wouldn’t still be here and also Vertigo, Suze and Jules for putting up with my constant barrage of emails and what not and doing what they do here over the years. Sometimes I’m sure they laugh when they see them and sometimes I’m sure they just hit “delete” or they should lol.  Anyway, this started out as a little bit of fun, helping to promote Rob in Australia.  Michelle has been here from day 1, Vertigo has been commenting since then too, I happened along thanks to the How To Be premiere when Cilla, the original site owner, asked me to help out in about February 2009 and well – for the past 7 years Rob has kept us busy busy busy.  I thought today would be a good time to thank you all for being here and supporting Rob and reflect on what has been achieved thus far.
A few of you may recall that Robert Pattinson Australia originally started as a livejournal on 4 November 2008, it didn’t morph into a website until 26 January 2009. Michelle and I took over the site in about May 2009 and decided that it would focus solely on Rob’s career.  It’s been an amazing experience – a decision that we haven’t regretted, a lot of hard work and equally a lot of fun.  We’ve had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day, this is a labour of love.  We’re here to promote Rob any way we can and to ensure that Rob’s fans are kept up to date with all his career news.  So in the words of Rob on stage at the State Theatre in 2011 “let’s ava look atchya”:
Bringing “How To Be†to fans for the only cinema screening in Australia on 28 March 2009. This was a monumental effort from RPAU’s original owner Cilla and the reason I became involved with RPAU.  It’s also how I met Michelle and Vertigo.  We had a great amount of help from Justin Kelly (Producer of HTB) and without him, it probably would not have been possible. I kept in contact with him over the years and last I heard he was doing something completely different to producing. I remember the cast (without Rob who was filming New Moon) did a personal intro for the screening – it’s a shame that was never uploaded to the site.
Also during that year, Alisah Arnah reached out to us as she wanted to set the record straight about her opinion of Rob that was misinterpreted from an interview given by Oliver Irving.
We lobbied Kojo Pictures for 12 months to convince them to do a limited release of Little Ashes in cinemas rather than just straight to DVD.  I spoke to the Ritz Cinema Randwick and The Ritz came to the party and agreed to hold a screening on 9 December 2009. I’m also happy to say that Little Ashes did eventually get limited release around Australia in 2009/2010.  Coincidentally the Australian poster was done by Jeremy Saunders who did the artwork for The Rover.
We had threatened that we would seek revenge for Rob if Daniel Cudmore ever made it to our shores and well – we don’t mince our words – so Vertigo and I were true to our words as Daniel Cudmore found out.
20thCenturyFoxAustralia brought Rob out for the Australian premiere of Water for Elephants in May 2011. Rob was only here for about 34 hours, bless him for being that kind of guy, and it was the first time we saw him in the flesh and his first trip to Oz. Â I will never forget the moment his foot stepped out of that car. Â Water For Elephants hit No. 1 at the Australian Box office.
The Powerhouse Musuem also hosted a Harry Potter Exhibition.  Remember how excited Vertigo was when Cedric’s robes officially landed in Australia. That was nothing compared to how excited it was for us to sit in on a press conference and meet the Weasley Twins (aka Oliver and James Phelps and boy did they grow up good).  To top that off we then had a guided tour from the curator himself before the exhibition officially opened.  Here’s a little reminder and a vid that Vertigo put together for us back then
The London Film Review asked if we were interested in writing an article for them about Rob and his career – how could we say no.  It was exciting to actually be able to put into words on another site what we’ve been saying here for years.  Unfortunately the post is no longer available, but I did keep a copy of it here.
Then we got the news that Rob was again coming to Sydney for the Breaking Dawn Pt 2 Fan Event in October. This was the first time we spoke to Rob up close.  What an amazing day.  Meeting and talking to Rob was a dream come true and we shared this with some of you too.
I even had Rob personally sign a Breaking Dawn poster for us to giveaway.
We worked closely with Dior in Sydney in the lead up to the release of DiorRob in Australia on 18 November 2013 and they put together an A5 promo poster that was available with purchases of Dior Homme in store.  This supported exactly what RPAU is all about and that’s promoting Rob’s career.  We were fortunate to be invited to the special presentation held at Dior’s Sydney offices.  I wish Dior would unleash that video they have that is an introduction to Rob.  Hopefully one day.  We all know that Rob did a photoshoot with Peter Lindbergh earlier this year and when I asked Dior in Sydney about it, they just said that no promo with Rob was scheduled for 2015 and they would let us know when the next promo happens.  We can’t wait so stay tuned.
We took some time out of promoting Rob, to help Nick Osborne promote his novels.  For those who need reminding, Nick was one of the producers of “Remember Me”. They were his labour of love and it took a few years but 2015 finally saw the third and final instalment of his trilogy.
2014 was by far our most amazing year.  In January, we thought it would be fun to go and hear David Michod speak at FlickerLab because maybe he might happen to mention The Rover.  Well, unbeknownst to us, it would be the start of an incredibly amazing relationship.
Then we heard that Benedict Cumberbatch would be doing a special intimate event for Oz Comic-con in Sydney in May. Â What better way to find out what we could may be happening with LCOZ. Â It was funny to see us in amongst all the Sherlock Holmes and Star Trek fans. Â Benedict is scary, but lovely at the same time.
Then we found out that The Rover would have it’s Australian premiere at the Sydney Film Festival in June.  The Rover promo in Sydney was just out of this world.  We were invited to the press screening and the Sydney Press Conference.  Both Vertigo and myself were completely shellshocked after seeing the screening, but that was nothing compared to how we felt sitting at the official press conference.  I’m pretty sure half of Sydney heard my reaction when I found out we were also invited onto the media red carpet the next night for the premiere. All our interviews can be found on the sidebar of the site.  I am still pinching myself.  I think the video that Vertigo put together for my birthday last year sets the mood perfectly on how it all went down.  And it was great to see and spend time with Rob fans who had commented on the site, tweeted or spoken to us over the years.  So wonderful to put faces to names.
January saw us back on the red carpet at the AACTA Awards where we spoke with David again and talked The Rover.  We also had the opportunity to speak with Susan Prior on the red carpet and were invited into the media room during the ceremony where we filmed Susan Prior talking about Rob.  By the way Rob was ROBBED
In August we were fortunate enough to attend one of the media screenings for Life so that I could do a review of the film.
I don’t know if we will get Rob on our shores in 2016, it would be great if one of the 2016 releases brings him here, but even if it doesn’t, we will be here promoting Queen of the Desert, The Childhood of a Leader and undoubtedly Lost City of Z which wrapped the other day and any other film or project Rob has lined up for release next year.
Let me add that as great as the opportunities are for us, the incentive is for us to bring to Rob’s fans news that ordinarily may not be tailored to what we want to know. Here’s hoping to many many more years of bringing you Rob because without all of you all the magic moments that happened above would not have been possible and for that we thank you.
Posted on November 04, 2015
It was lovely to read the story of your journey through the years in the name of ‘Robert’. First of all thank you so much Michelle and Maria and many congratulations on a great work like only you do so well. Not one day for me passes by without checking on your site! So thanks again and I truly hope you’ll be around for so many years more!!!! Great ladies you are!!!! <3
Posted on November 04, 2015
Thank you Roberta – you’ve been with us for years so your words mean a lot *hugs*
Posted on November 04, 2015
Congrats Ladies what a fab journey you all and Rob have been on thus far! Keep up the great work silly me of course you will and do and thank you for being the “safe haven” away from all the crazies Love and hugs xxxoooooxxxx
Posted on November 04, 2015
Happy Anniversary, RPAU :~)
Posted on November 04, 2015
Congratulations! Loved this site from the beginning. Respect for Rob is pretty obvious here so thank you all for the amazing work you do.
Posted on November 04, 2015
Dear M&M. Rob is naturally a vital ingredient in my love of RPAU. However it is the vision and values of the site. It is the professionalism and fun you both bring. It is the other lovely women I have connected with from all over the world. It is the community of RPAU.
Back on 2009 i didn’t really understand what it was about Rob that was so extraordinary it turned me into a 13 year old girl. But I was right. Rob is special. Vertigo and Jules and Suze.. amazing. Other commenters, some I have met and shared magical times with.. amazing.
It’s the whole shebang of RPAU. Every ingredient is spot on.
God, I can ramble! Thank you M&M for 7 incredible years.
Posted on November 04, 2015
What an amazing journey ladies!! You’ve captured it so well in your post Maria and am raising my glass to many more years to come. It’s an honour to have met you all here and hugs each and every one of you for all your comments and thoughts and contributions over the years.
I’m so grateful for RPAU and how we are all focussed on the good stuff.
Happy Days!
I’m also forever grateful of that day we gathered to see Rob as Art on the big screen. Who knew it was the start of all awesome times ahead.
Thanks Rob for taking us on the wildest of rides through your work choices and never failing to opening us to new ideas and adventures. Cheers mate!
Posted on November 04, 2015
Thanks everyone for you lovely words and you ALL make it worthwhile – it’s not just Rob. Cheers!
Posted on November 04, 2015
Of course I could just say DITTO to all of the above and save us all some time, but ……..
Reading this post earlier today, has made me think about the last few years. How different life would have been, if I hadn’t stumbled across that cheap Twlight DVD in Target all those years ago. I can only thank Eddie for guiding me here to RPAU – in a million years, I NEVER could have imagined I’d EVER feel so at home on a website. So many wonderful and unexpected memories (not to mention trips to Sydney LOL), so many warm, welcoming ladies to share stories with, and so many beautiful Rob moments to cherish.
@Maria, Michelle, Jules, Vertigo and Suze – I can’t thank you enough for what you do here at RPAU. How you do what you do just amazes me daily. You have all created the most amazing, positive, respectful, informative, inspirational home for Rob fans. I could never have started commenting here in the first place, if I didn’t have total faith that Rob himself would be okay with everything that is posted here. I know I’m not alone in saying that and I stand by it. So congrats on 7 bloody fantastic years. The FIRST seven. I, for one, can’t wait for the NEXT seven.
I feel like we should have all got together for a party! Big hugs xxx
Posted on November 05, 2015
Am sitting here reading everyone’s beautiful words with the biggest smile on my face. Thank you soooo much everyone for your comments & all your support throughout the years, words can never ever express how much it means to us & how much we LOVE sharing this beautiful & talented man Rob’s amazing career with you all *hugs you all tight* I’ve been away on a little holiday hence my late reply but I was celebrating with everyone in spirit.
Maria, I adore your post, it is perfection. Grinning like crazy reading through it. Thank you soooo much for putting it together. Wow, what amazing & special times we have had together. Ones that I will treasure forever. I thank Rob every day for the beautiful people he has brought into my life. Bring on the next 7 years & beyond

Posted on November 05, 2015
Me neither Sue me neither – I’m sure we are going to have many more adventures together *hugs*