Is it Friday already? Happy weekend to one and all. This is really just a round up of new edits I’ve used on our twitter account this week 🙂
This next one was done to celebrate last weekends awesomeness (sshhh, that’s a word!)
Hmmm, *sigh* sorry Rob, I had another go at the colouring thing..
ok so this is an old one 😉 –>
As always, please help yourself, I hope you enjoy them 🙂 If posting elsewhere (other sites/blogs etc) please credit/link THIS site – it makes me sad to see some of the vague efforts out there.
Jules there are truly no words for how much I ADORE these. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing talent with us 🙂
Jules you are truly one talented lady. Beautiful work.
Hi guys! Hope everyone is going well. Wish I could be back more often 🙁
Just know absence does make the heart grow fonder! Still completely love Rob! Xx
Gorgeous work, Jules. Thanks so much for sharing with us – and I LOVE the new banner!
*waves to Sare* so great to see you 🙂 Hope all’s well *hugs*
Thanks my lovelies 🙂 appreciate your comments so much!! *waves to Sare* hope you are well! 🙂
I’ve just noticed Rob seems to be looking down from the banner at my edits with a disapproving expression on his face!! Omg LOL I’ve just given myself a complex hahaha.