July 26th, 2015 / 4 Comments


As you know, I did a roundup post of the reviews that came out of Berlinale.  Given that the film is slowly being released around the world, and Mexico just had its premiere, I thought I would make a start with the international roundup which I will update as and when they emerge.  I will add new reviews to the end of each section for ease.  Note translations are done with the Google or Bing.

The film goes ahead thanks to the effective management of the filmmaker and the splendid performances of Robert Pattinson“, Cinemamovil, Mexico

“[Pattinson] mastered the role of the character as ambitious as sensitive photographer with casual ease”  Programmkino, Germany

His natural charm and charisma take over, and it almost becomes more enticing to watch his character than to witness the life of the alluring James Dean unravel …“, The Upcoming, UK

The unexpected delight here is Pattinson, who takes the character of Stock and shows every side of him, the unflattering ones included, to the camera. The photographer exposed as another young star is born. Herald Scotland


The Cool

Butacaancha (Mexico GIFF)

“It is the classic look and a couple of performances looking to get away from imitation, opting for an impressionistic portrait of their counterparts in the flesh, which cause Anton Corbijn to deliver his more “conventional” film so far.”

Cinemamovil (Mexico GIFF)

“The film goes ahead thanks to the effective management of the filmmaker and the splendid performances of Robert Pattinson as the stubborn photographer who was responsible for an historic photo shoot that was reflected in the pages of LIFE and Dane DeHaan on the role of the iconic James Dean The rebel without a cause whose life became a legend despite having had a short career in acting”.

Correcamara (Mexico GIFF)

“The performances converge, function as reinterpretations of old Hollywood; the complaint is present but is veiled, it is not intended that the plot focuses on showcasing the sins that so many times have been reported.  …  It ends up being a story told in a beautiful way … It is made, or so it seems, for lovers of entertainment for those historians of popular culture, seeking to fill the gaps of what happens before and after the media exhibitions of stars.”

Gatopardo (Mexico GIFF)

“Both actors are handled well by frame, with DeHaan diving without much difficulty in the role of enigmatic Dean and Pattinson getting your audience to stop him as “the vampire of Twilight “. The performance of the latter is solid and has no flaw as serious and emotionally constipated Dennis, faced with the volatile personality of Dean. The development of friendship between these characters leads through a camera, but at times it looks Stock without lens which catches glimpses of James Dean with which whole generations have fantasized: a rebel with a heart of gold.”

Guanajuato International Film Festival (Mexico GIFF)

“The film is about Dennis Stock (played by Robert Pattinson whose days as a vampire are well behind him), … The two central performances stand out …”

IZQ (Mexico GIFF)

“Pattinson’s case was due to the similarity that keeps with the photographer’s own aspirations because he observed that after Twilight, the British actor has chosen roles that lead him to prove and demonstrate to the public that he can play big roles, something similar Stock who with a series of images that would indicate its capacity.”

Marvin.com (Mexico GIFF)

“Film must for those who love the cinema, music and photography.”

Pravia (Mexico GIFF)

“[LIFE] proved to be a powerful and simple film …”

Proceso (Mexico GIFF)

” The two actors are spectacular in their characters and very close to the real.”

Terra.com (Chile) & (Colombia) (GIFFMX)

Life’ is a good film and is held in the acting of its two main characters, who doa great job without exaggerating or try the personal brilliance.

Terra.com (Mexico GIFF)

“Stock made a series of photographs for Life magazine 1955 that were very important and beneficial to the careers of both.”

Programmkino (Germany)

“[Pattinson] mastered the role of the character as ambitious as sensitive photographer with casual ease.”

“The visual pleasure and the two canvas-present actors make the biopic despite content quirks of the attractive entertainment entertaining way,” says Dieter Osswald, who also noted that Robert Pattinson is “on the way forward into the arthouse cinema”.

Critic.de (Germany)

“This makes “Life” a movie that, with its finely tuned melancholy and despite keeping a distance to its characters, is deeply moving”.

Note:  The lovely @ offered to translate this wonderful review for us.  I’m glad she did because google translate made it sound negative and it’s so not.  You can read it (and I recommend you do) here

The Upcoming (UK)

“Robert Pattinson has received a lot of flak for his post-Twilight film choices, but his performance as Stock is not only a film highlight, but a career highlight as well. His natural charm and charisma take over, and it almost becomes more enticing to watch his character than to witness the life of the alluring James Dean unravel – undeniably an impressive feat.”

Robert Pattinson Australia (Australia)

“Rob’s performance as Dennis Stock is as the trailer suggests “superb”.  Rob does awkward and stressed perfectly.  He takes on every little nuance and frustration of Stock showing glimpses of his ambitious drive of wanting to be an “artist”, not just a red carpet photographer, to the guilt he feels for never seeing the son he has from a teenage marriage that fell apart before his son was even born.  …

Anton Corbijn and Luke Davies’ “LIFE” brings us an interesting and well researched story.  It allows us to glimpse into the lives of the two people who brought us possibly one of the most iconic portraits out of Hollywood and like Cronenberg’s “Maps to the Stars”, it’s shining a not so positive light on the trappings of the Hollywood fame.

An Online Universe (Australia)

“Pattinson, like his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart, has left behind that toxic franchise and has been turning in some terrific performances. He’s very solid again here and manages to keep his creepy desperation in check, but also reveals a lot of suppressed pain. Forced to become a man early – he’s divorced with a young child, and barely mid-20’s – he is one failed assignment away from being a complete screw-up.  …

This film is so interesting, and in less confident hands would have been wildly misjudged – and made Dean into either a heart-throb or a bad boy. This film portrays him as a complex, soulful young man with a lot of natural talent, but someone who didn’t fit into the suffocating world of Hollywood. Stock was there to capture him at his most relaxed in front of the camera, and these images offer a unique and I expect misunderstood insight into James Dean the man.”  4 Stars, Andrew Buckle

Blickpunkt Film (Registered Users) (Germany)

“But of course this movie indeed belongs to its young stars Robert Pattinson and Dane DeHaan, charged with the impossible task to breathe life into two icons. Both do splendidly …”

Please read the full translation done by @enamoramiento here

FilmFuchs (Germany)

Robert Pattinson (The Rover), which has now successfully resolved by his Twilight image,” (Note:  did not enjoy the film overall called it “dull”.)

Moviebreak (Germany)

“Besides Dane DeHaan also is Robert Pattinson a remarkable cast that draws attention to the fact that he has emancipated itself from the role of the vampire Edward now. Interesting is also the approach of the film to set the motivation of the two young men in a comparison in order inevitably the multifaceted character of James Dean to the manifestation clearer. On one side of the photographer, who is already father must provide for a family and a relatively clear and is goal-oriented. On the other hand James Dean, the blazing light in the night sky of Hollywood: discontinuous, ambivalent and, after the title of his second feature film, Rebel Without a tangible sense and had no apparent goal.”  Rating:  7 out of 10

Spielfilm (Germany) Translation thanks to @enamoramiento1

“Furthermore it must be acknowledged that this is the first movie in which Robert Pattinson is convincing as a character actor. Maybe this is in part due to the fact that the initially slick Dennis Stock isn’t quite so far from the former vampire impersonator… To sum it up: “Life” is – as is usual with Anton Corbijn – a neatly directed movie about “the beginning of a beautiful friendship”, that is, while by no means spectacular, very well-made.”

Wolframhannemann (Germany)

“Robert Pattinson is the LIFE photographer Dennis Stock and could finally get rid of this role that he still adhering TWILIGHT image. The interplay between the two is perfect, with the courage to slow and perhaps even with an erotic component. Matching period atmosphere there is not only the image, but also on the soundtrack. … If you like true stories and decelerated cinema and a penchant for polyphonic details has, which is is just the right LIFE.”

The Londonist (UK)

“Barnes boy R-Patz’s post-Twilight career choices continue to impress. The sensible lad has eschewed further blockbusters in favour of low key, indie roles and Life is no different.”

Regardez Moi Ca (France)

“The role of Dennis Robert Pattinson is one more step in his independent career after Cosmopolis and Maps to the stars. Great performance, he also made a big working depth to master the art of photography in contact with the old Leica camera shooting. Life marks a turning point in his career I think. His role of observer and photographer and a sudden fame is a nice way to turn the page after his personal experience of sudden fame on the other side of the camera after Twilight.”

The Reel Word

“Pattinson is strong as the famed photographer and has chosen another wise drama piece in his post-Twilight career. Playing the straight man to Dean’s sporadic ways, Pattinson imbues Stock with a sense of desperation that’s underlined with uncertainty.”

TLE Online (UK)

“LIFE is undeniably good, the performances are solid and at times energised with real charisma.”

J-Wire (Australia)

“Pattinson plays the conservative Stock as a quiet man, sure of his talent while DeHaan convinces as the charismatic rebel. After they become friends Dean takes Stock home to meet his family. Stock realises that the young actor is a hometown boy with a heart to match, something which makes the Indiana scenes quietly powerful.

This is storytelling at its best where the direction, acting, cinematography and script mesh perfectly.”

FilmInk (Australia)

“Life documents the beginnings of what would become the important friendship of fifties figurehead, James Dean (hot up and comer, Dane DeHaan, makes his all-too-recognisable character a truly mercurial and utterly absorbing creation), and Dennis Stock (Robert Pattinson proving, yet again, to all the doubters that he is, indeed, a highly accomplished and charismatic performer), the young photographer from Life Magazine whose stark, beautifully composed black-and-white images of the rebellious actor are among the greatest celebrity portraiture ever committed to film.

Sensitively scripted by Australian poet, author, and screenwriter, Luke Davies (Candy), this beautifully crafted drama richly personalises a man whose life story has so often been told in headlines and broad strokes.  Rating:  $18 out of $20″

Film Blerg  (Australia)

“Corbijn extracts great performances from DeHaan and Pattinson. The development of the friendship between the two characters is almost like a courtship. Despite his frustrations, Dennis continues to see something in Jimmy – something the world eventually sees. Dennis and Jimmy have very different backgrounds; Jimmy’s family have a sense of dignity and peacefulness whereas Dennis is disconnected from his young son and ex-wife.

In the iconography of James Dean – the enigma and the legend – it is easy to forget there was a human being. A man with a family, a home and a past. Additionally, it is easy to forget that another man was responsible, in part, for the iconography of Dean, and that man was Dennis Stock. This film is fascinating in its subject matter, but equally so in the exquisite way that Corbijn has realised the subjects visually.”

The Boomtown Rap (Australia)

Screen time is almost equally split between Dean and Stock, whose struggles with authority figures in their work environments and turmoil in their personal lives run in parallel. Indeed, Stock’s story is as interesting as Dean’s, and his character as well played by an excellent Robert Pattinson.

A Sliver of Film (Australia)

“Robert Pattinson as Stock plays the lead to perfection. Stock is a brooding, ambitious man with few redeeming features. Dean (Dane Dehaan) however is solemn, single minded and impulsive in a charismatic way.

Part of the majesty of the film is the narrative leading to the backstory as to how and why some of the now famous shots came into being. The famous Time Square shot of a sodden Dean walking the wet streets with a smoke in his mouth and hands deep in his coat pockets occurs as so many great shots do; Stock shot it on a whim. I, like so many, was not born when Dean died tragically but Life allowed me to feel something of the pain so many people must have felt those 60 years ago. Corbijn’s film took me to another time and place and I was both entertained and moved.”

Foxtel Screen (Australia)

Click on the screencap to watch the video review from Margaret Pomeranz & Graeme Blundell.  4 stars from Margaret & she loved it, 3 stars from Graeme


EPD Film (German)  Thanks so much to @enamoramiento1 for the translation.

“Robert Pattinson as Dennis Stock – Dean´s ally and counterpart at the same time is well cast within the context of this reconstruction with his almost mask-like look: doggedly driven by ambitions, Stock wants to get away from taking pictures of movie set and celebrities and succeed as an artist.”

The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Not positive for the film, but some great praise for Rob

“Pattinson, who has pushed himself into more demanding roles after his own teen idol phase in the Twilight franchise, is the best thing in this flawed, sometimes emotionally shapeless movie.”

The Daily Telegraph (Australia)

“James Dean lives again in the superbly acted biopic Life”

The Movie Waffler

“While DeHaan was born to essay Dean, it’s Pattinson’s Stock who is the more interesting character here.”

Rescu (Australia)

“Capturing the fractious dynamic between a budding film star and the photographer whose career would eventually be catapulted by his success, Life provides a thoughtful telling of the legend that is James Dean. 

Anton Corbjin’s moody style is wonderfully matched to Dean’s own aloof temperament, and the result is a slow but interesting portrait of a young man whose legend lived well beyond his passing.”

The Iris (Australia)

“DeHaan’s performance felt like a mixed bag, it’s obvious that he was chosen more for his acting chops than his resemblance to Dean. There were instances where his portrayal felt forced and more like imitation than embodiment, which makes it hard to warm to him when he does express his vulnerabilities. Pattinson on the other hand felt more rounded and believable as the earnest snapper struggling to further his career but also accept his responsibility as a father. Also he’s the more relatable of the two, since Dean is presented as elusive and existing on the edge of that Hollywood world that we can only dream about.

Anton Corbijn’s Life is a beautiful character study of two young men at important crossroads in their lives. Where had fate not played its part we may not have been gifted with some beautiful images of a life cut short. It might take some liberties with the performances and truth but it’s still a visually elegant story that’s told.”

4:3 (Australia)

“Pattinson shuffles in from a darkroom as an audience proxy, and a damn fine one. His phone conversations with John Morris, played with brusque elegance by Joel Edgerton, embody every twenty-something that’s ever picked between rent cover and a proper meal; instantly a more contemporary portrayal than any of Kill Your Darlings’s needle drops muster. Then there’s his ex-wife and child back in New York, which only galvanises the sophistication and similarity with Dean by showing his hobbled detachment, culminating in one brilliantly left-field bit of gross-out humour. It’s a marvellous performance that even outshines an especially hammy Ben Kingsley, who puts on his Mandarin accent and umpteenth silly costume as hardass studio chief Jack Warner.”

Concrete Playground (Australia)

“Control director Anton Corbijn is back with another beautiful, tragic biopic.”

The Blurb Magazine (Australia)

“Corbijn takes a slow burn approach, which ultimately pays dividends if cinemagoers are prepared to stick with it. Some may not. Art-house in style, I appreciated the unusual approach to the material. LIFE makes a good fisting of building a story around the pictures that became a spread in the magazine of the same name.”

Movie Review (Australia)

“Pattinson is a good match for the hungry yet guarded Stock, a man desperate to make a name for himself but wary of smothering his subject in the process. … Corbijn’s mouth-watering photography makes for an eye-catching experience given heft by they always interesting presence of DeHaan and Pattinson.”

CineCure (Belgium|French)

“… it is primarily the two main actors that transcend the screen. Starting with Robert Pattinson has definitely come a long way since Twilight, leaving too beaten path where the teen saga might enclose”

Empire Online (UK)

“Odd to say, given his vociferous fanbase, but Robert Pattinson is quietly becoming one of our most interesting young actors. Those of us who dismissed the Twilight heartthrob as a pair of cheekbones who got lucky should now guiltily rescind the snark, as he’s not only growing as a performer but is unabashedly using his star status to pursue interesting, off-kilter work that may not otherwise get made. The wan vampire is on the side of the cinematic angels.

…Doesn’t register emotionally in the way it strives for, but is diverting as a portrait of the nascent celebrity industry, with fine performances from Dane DeHaan and Robert Pattinson.”

Esquire UK

Robert Pattinson as Stock, an interesting choice for a young man so painfully familiar with what it feels like to be on the other side of the lens … But Corbijn’s understated direction and measured pace (a final voiceover is the only misstep), Charlotte Bruus Christensen’s sublime cinematography and Owen Pallett’s sophisticated jazz soundtrack make for an incredibly beautiful, elegant piece of film-making that manages to be intriguing and thoughtful on its own quiet terms.”

flickreel (UK)

“We completely embody Stock, so while he seeks in discovering the real James Dean, in turn, so do we – which is what makes for such an absorbing watch. We, like Stock, become the voyeur, and this is a notion enhanced by Corbijn, as in some of the most emotionally rich, important scenes – such as when Dean is reconnected with his family – we peer in with an over the shoulder shot, rather that focusing on the subject; and using close ups, we see what Stock sees, with the camera lurking behind him.

Though having an ability to shine as a leading man, this is a rare, understated turn from Pattinson, who very much takes a back seat, with the focus squarely on Dean. And DeHaan does a remarkable job portraying the man himself, not just physically, but in his whole demeanour: we can’t take our eyes off him, beguiled by his presence – just like Dean. Biopics are a regular occurrence in cinema, but few have been as accomplished as this endeavour in recent years.”

The Starfish (Australia)

“The film’s director Anton Corbijn had been a portrait photographer which no doubt helped him relate to Stock. Shot by Charlotte Bruus Christensen, the film is beautiful to watch.”

Les Chroniques (French)

Robert Pattinson also convinces Dennis Stock, without flooding the screen.”

The Movie Blog (Ireland)

“Robert Pattinson does the best that he can with a rather one-note character. … Pattinson teases the idea of a man uncomfortable in his own skin, but Stock frequently comes across as a stock movie paparazzi.”

Fucking Cinephines (France)

“… while Robert Pattinson him deeply but less impressive than his little playmate, is nonetheless convincing in the skin of Dennis Stock, his most proper role in a career that grows the most beautiful way since the franchise Twilight.”

Escape to Culture (French)

“I wanted to watch Life to see Robert Pattinson once again at work. And continues to seduce me with his acting, as it happens, once again, to give depth to a character who first appears in the background, before asserting itself against the other.  … Together, the two players form a beautiful duo, where ambiguity and friendship are appropriate.   In summary, Life fulfills its contract as a biopic, being up to our expectations. And for those who barely know James Dean, it will allow them to discover another angle.”

Main-Echo (Germany)

“Teen idol Robert Pattinson (29) acts here in probably the best and most complex role of his career. Unlike in Twilight” it does not depend on outer attractiveness, instead Pattinson’s character has many corners and edges to shape. And he brilliantly succeeds.”

GQ Magazine (UK) “Brilliantly chilling”

“But it’s Pattinson’s performance that stands out, throwing another handful of dirt on his heartthrob Twilight image.”

film-rezensionen (Germany)

“And Robert Pattinson, who has recently chosen several interesting roles (The Rover, Maps to theStars), must show his ambivalent figure that he can do more, a bloodless Schmachtfläche for schoolgirls to offer than.”  7 out of 10

LondonNet (UK) | Wirralglobe (UK)

“Pattison is understated, but there is a pleasing rapport between the two actors as their characters wrestle with the hefty price of celebrity in an era of controlling studios.”

No More Workhorse (UK)

“The fact that the lynchpin of the film is the weakest character fatally undermines the more interesting characters such as Dennis, who occasionally wander into the spotlight only to suddenly deflect the audience’s attention back to the ‘moody new star’. … Despite great performances …”

RTE Ten (Ireland)

“With two excellent performances from Robert Pattinson as Stock and Dane DeHaan as Dean, Life is Corbijn’s most uplifting film to date, with the era so lovingly and beautifully recreated that your time with his two leading men will probably feel all too short. ”

Slate (Ireland)

“…He might have been cast for the budget guarantee but Pattinson is excellent here. Frustrated and socially awkward, Pattinson plays it as an ambitious man, desperately groping and trying to grab onto a career he feels will quickly elude him.

It’s a grower of a film; expect to leave the cinema feeling nonplussed only to have it constantly in the forethoughts of your mind for the following week.”

Go With The Blog (France)

…”Pattinson is impeccable here in the role of this young photographer unknown, not always very comfortable in his job and in his personal life.

With his wonderful band punctuated by jazzy sounds, and carried by an impeccable cast that rises to the challenge with gusto, LIFE demonstrates the incredible talent of Anton Corbijn, who prints again his filmmaking signature to the strong identity and particularly graceful sensitivity.”

On Screen Film (UK)

“Brilliantly written from the get-go, it’s of note that Corbijn’s film is at its most interesting when focusing more on Dean – boasting a terrifically insightful performance from DeHaan – than Stock; it’s less a fault of Pattinson’s (rarely has theTwilight star been so dependable, to be fair) than the frankly less interesting character he’s given in contrast to DeHaan. That said, the pair enjoy an engaging and sincere chemistry that holds interest throughout an otherwise slightly too-long runtime; cleverly balancing the implied yet-never-dwelled-upon homoerotic aspects of the story with the dark-hearted humour Dean as a character affords them, it’s a respectably performed affair serving as a credit to both young stars.”

Herald Scotland / Alison Rowat (Scotland)

“The unexpected delight here is Pattinson, who takes the character of Stock and shows every side of him, the unflattering ones included, to the camera. The photographer exposed as another young star is born.”

WOW 24/7 (UK)

“The film looks fantastic and features a pair of impressive, likeable performances from its two leads, while the script steers refreshingly clear of the expected clichés.

…Ultimately, this is an engaging and thoughtful snapshot of Dean’s life, enlivened by a pair of superb performances and stunning production design.”

What Culture (UK)

“Through all this it’s almost easy to forget that the film also stars Robert Pattinson as Dennis Stock, the photographer who drove the Life shoot to completion. Dennis has his own arc and Pattinson’s performance captures beautifully the image of directionless maturity (Twi-What?), but it’s only ever a counterpoint to DeHaan. Still, it certainly promises some interesting things in the future.

Life is most certainly an actor’s film, but it’s the best sort – one where the director is constantly striving to accentuate his performers. You’ll never view James Dean in the same way again.”

CineVue (UK)

“As Stock, Pattinson doesn’t share the limelight of DeHaan’s Dean but he is ever present, hawking the fledgling star from the shadows, desperate to capture Dean’s rebellious spirit. Pattinson navigates the role with pathos, no doubt in part due to his own experience of being hounded by the press following his emergence in the Twilight franchise. He convinces as a photography and in the brief moments when he has to interact with his young son he’s suitably awkward. Corbijn also brings his forty years of experience to the role, exploring the relationship between photographer and subject. Stock blurs the line between wanting Jimmy as a friend and as a subject. At one point, Dean snaps at Stock asking him who he think is helping who. In these moments Life truly shines: this isn’t a movie interested in box-ticking Dean-lore but it is instead more interested in the space between two artists.”

Little White Lies (UK)

“…Dennis is his opposite. He is curt and minimal, essaying a very controlled, clock-watching professional. Pattinson’s performance is as crisp as the white shirt and black suits his character always wears, camouflage for problems that add depth to the film as they settle into shape.

…As Life proceeds, Pattinson steps up, allowing more of his character’s insides to come out. The pace picks up and by the third act it’s a compelling dramatisation of an artistically and morally fascinating alliance.”

The Telegraph (UK)

“Dane DeHaan and Robert Pattinson shine in Anton Corbijn’s low-key portrait of James Dean.

…But Stock, too, who has an ex-wife and young son he barely sees, is playing the angles, sniffing out a meal ticket. The underrated Pattinson is playing a cold fish here, and does a credible job getting inside Dennis’s aura of shifty desperation: he pesters Dean, pursues him to New York, hangs around his grimy apartment building. The star is half-alarmed, half-amused, and can’t decide if he needs this vulture buzzing around him or not.”

Totatl Film|Games Radar N(US)

“Dehaan winces and whines through Dean’s hipster lingo, delivering a mesmerising, twitchy performance that somehow still gets overshadowed by Pattinson’s quiet background presence. It’s tempting to read the Twilight star’s turn as deeply personal, given he’s playing someone hankering to be taken seriously in his field.”

One Room With A View (UK)

“Pattinson, who is stunningly good and the best thing about the film.”

Bogiecinema (Portugal)

“Robert Pattinson and Dane DeHaan are the touchstone of “Life,” with much of what runs throughout the film to be due to the dynamic between the two actors, they don’t only convince as Dennis Stock and James Dean, but also enable elevate a story “juicy” and rather interesting, with Luke Davies argument to know how to exploit the weaknesses, strengths and idiosyncrasies of the photographer and actor. Robert Pattinson always comes up with a more serious tone, just right hairstyle and camera around, instilling the character who plays a certain nervousness … “.

Little White Lies (UK)

“Pattinson’s performance is as crisp as the white shirt and black suits his character always wears, camouflage for problems that add depth to the film as they settle into shape.”

The Scotsman (Scotland)

“ROBERT Pattinson’s experience as a film idol enriches his turn as photographer Dennis Stock in Life … Life may cast Pattison against type as Stock, but his empathy for the plight of the stage-managed movie star remains clearly etched on his face as his character contemptuously plies his trade on the red carpet, all the while desperately trying to convince an already bored-with-it-all Dean that photography – like the new form of naturalistic Method acting Dean was attempting to usher in – can capture life in a more authentic way.”  4 stars

Derek Winnert

“A sharply focussed Robert Pattinson happily captures the persona and character of Dennis Stock …”

Film Welte (German)

Even Pattinson plays outstanding … Conclusion: Outstanding Drama and played double portrait of an unusual friendship between men, which is about a constant aura of gloom and darkness.”

Mehrfilm (German)

“Worth seeing”

Publico (Portuguese)

“… and Robert Pattinson … with a safe interpretation that anchors the entire film.”

Dog and Wolf 

“Robert Pattinson as Stock is low key, determined, yet trying to hide his naked desperation to get what he wants.” 3 stars

HITC Lifestyle

“Pattison is fine as Stock …”

TV3 (Ireland)

“Pattinson also puts in a solid effort, and believably conveys Dennis’ desire to create greatness and his desperation to get James to play ball.”

The Evening Standard (UK)

“Unfortunately, Robert Pattinson is more of a matinee idol as Dennis Stock than Dane DeHaan appears to be as James Dean. DeHaan is mumbly and drawling, slouchy and hunched, always looking away, unresponsive, caught up in his own world in a thoroughly adolescent way.

The real James Dean was so good-looking he could get away with it and still seem fascinating and desirable. DeHaan, who put on two stone to play the role and have a more realistically Fifties physique, doesn’t pull that off. Robert Pattinson is clearly the better-looking and more starry of the two, which makes their dance around each other a little off-kilter — and there really doesn’t seem to be the necessary chemistry.”

Rotten Tomatoes

62% Tomatometer as at 26 September 2015

66% audience as at 26 September 2015

The Times (UK)

4 out of 5 Stars

Rip It Up (Australia)

Robert Pattinson in a performance of considerable charisma – no, really. … While convincingly ‘50s in look and style, and with good work from Pattinson (who we almost wind up liking!)

Premiere (Mexico)

Robert Pattinson does a respectable Dennis Stock”

Focus Le Vif (Belgium)

” Dennis Stock (Robert Pattinson, credible)”

The Arts Desk (UK)

“Pattinson has a naturally introverted quality to his acting, and gives Stock a nervy desperation and pent-up turmoil  that suggests he’s exactly the kind of character – turned inside out by societal demands – that Dean would express in his films.”

Film.at (Austria)

“Pattinson as eternally dissatisfied artist-photographer is excellent”

The Irish Times (Ireland)

“The clever, charismatic Robert Pattinson plays Dennis Stock, the snapper who, on an assignment for Life magazine, caught that famous image of James Dean ploughing, collar up, through the slush in Times Square. … Pattinson (who actually looks more like Dean) offers the audience his eyes. It’s a very professional piece of work, but it’s terribly hard to love.”

Flickfilosopher (UK)

“A smart, wistful exploration of art, ambition, and celebrity, with appealingly melancholic performances by Robert Pattinson and Dane DeHaan.”

Mancunion (UK)

“Robert Pattinson, who plays Stock, the film’s protagonist, does his best with what he is given by playing a flustered and often pitiful man who is convinced that getting in early with a photo essay on Dean will lift him out of the mire of film set photography and red carpet events. Corbijn and Pattinson actually make Stock a somewhat nuanced, frequently unsympathetic character, who neglects his responsibility to his family in order to pursue what he sees as his artistic purpose. This is far from groundbreaking, but it does add some dimension to what could easily have been a blank audience cipher.”

Watching Between the Lines (UK)

“Robert Pattinson, who again shows that he’s one of his generation’s most underrated actors … However, Life’s insistence that we mainly follow the story of Dennis Stock means that the truly affecting scenes are few and far between.  This is not the fault of Pattinson, who turns in some of his best work here … ”

The Bloggers Cinema Club (French)

“Bright, elegant, melancholy without falling into pathos, Life  is the snapshot of a bygone era, a passing friendship but so beautiful and touching, magnified by the obvious chemistry between Robert Pattinson and Dane Dehaan and brilliant interpretation.”

NWTV (Netherlands)

“Pattinson is acting in a way that you always sympathizes with him, especially during the less beautiful moments.”  4 out of 5 stars

FLIX (Greece)

“Robert Pattinson in the role of Dennis Stock is decent …”

The Flickering Wall (Portugal)

“Mr. Pattinson is particularly strong in the less flashy role of Dennis Stock, smartly balancing ambition and insecurity …”

ScreenJabber (UK)

” Pattinson is excellent as Stock, struggling to make ends meet with new family responsibilities while Dehaan is immensely persuasive in suggesting the movie legend in the making. The contrast and conflict between the two is deftly drawn, both play off each other with subtly executed ease.”

Getidan (Germany)

“Robert Pattinson as Dennis Stock provides arguably the best performance of his career. Sex Appeal was not asked, but art of characterization. And he can do it. He shows the photographer as the antipode of the eccentric Dean, as a man who still retains grip on all searches for recognition. The two main characters give the functioning over long distances as a chamber Spielfilm a beautiful intensity.”

Outtagum (Australia)

“Pattison’s performance is much better than his famed Twilight acting and actually carries much of the film. But even he falls into the potholes of the film’s script and appeals too much to the audience’s emotions than leading the way of how we should feel.”

Flickering Myth Podcast

Click here to listen “[Robert Pattinson] proving what a talented young man he really is”

Picturehouse Podcast

Click here to listen “I’m going out on a limb, [Robert Pattinson] best performance evs”

Close-Up Film (UK)

“Robert Pattinson shows that he is not just a good-looking vampire but a real actor who can put over someone who comes across as subdued besides the charismatic Dean, but has depth. We are shown both sides of his character – the hustling commercial photographer and the Dad trying to re-engage with his young son.” 4 out of 5 stars

Man in Town (Italy)

Meanwhile Stock (who died in 2010, star of Magnum, played in the film by a mature and convincing Robert Pattinson) …”

Muxmaeuschenwild-magazin (German)

“This is definitely a must-see”.

Jonathan’s Film Review

” Pattinson is very impressive in what is a difficult role as the prickly photographer, and is the best thing in the film by quite some distance.” 6/10

Chichester Observer (UK)

“Robert Pattinson plays Stock and gives further proof that the Londoner wasn’t just a one franchise wonder with Twilight.” (7 out of 10)

Writing Studio (South Africa)

“Pattinson and DeHaan are perfectly cast and embody the true spirit of their characters …”

New Jersey Stage (US)

“While DeHaan was born to portray Dean, it’s Pattinson’s Stock who is the more interesting character here. He’s only slightly older than Dean, but given the nature of the social changes of 1950s America, he may as well be his grandfather, part of a generation that kept their emotions to themselves.”

Cineralia (Spain)

We must not forget the other half of Life , which is the photographer majestically played by Robert Pattinson (seen in the recent European Film Festival in Seville “The Childhood of a Leader ‘tape Brady Corbet), whose life is similar to James Dean. For recognition in the field of photography, trying to make pictures that have not been seen before. Also, it is dragging behind him a son, who sees little, but you should love as his photographs (wandering prince possible?). The most significant role of Robert Pattinson is the delivery and insistence on trusting the instinct of self and persevere in it.”

Libertad Digital TV (Spain)

Life is an excellent photograph, faithfully recreating the time when those iconic pictures were taken. But also delves into contemporary concerns about celebrity and art photographer and the subject, the delicacies of male companionship and inevitably-since Dean died at age 24, only months after the pictures were taken – life and death.”

ecartelara (Spain)

Robert Pattinson gives life in ‘ Life ‘… Life’ is a brilliant film that succeeds in translating characters that inexplicable magic that makes some artists in unforgettable figures.”

La Pantella Invisble (Spain)

“Meanwhile, Robert Pattinson seem to get away from its image of heartless Twilight vampire and interpreted with much credit to Stock, especially in the most emotional and difficult moments of the character.”

HighDefDigest (Canada)

“Fairing better is Pattinson, who has been smart about choosing his post-‘Twilight’ roles and is slowly transforming into a compelling actor. He smartly underplays while DeHaan goes full Dean. They make for a compelling on-screen team even when the movie can’t live up to their work.”

HMV.com (Vancouver)

” This is a movie that will please fans of photography, Robert Pattinson, and of course Dean himself, the original rebel without a cause.”


Dane DeHaan and Robert Pattinson respectably try their hardest to make something out of the material. Convincingly portraying James Dean and Dennis Stock, respectively, their chemistry makesLife worth seeing, even if the visual edge that Anton Corbijn displayed in his earlier films is oddly missing here.

The Revue (Canada)

“Poster boy Robert Pattinson is oddly awkward and unlikable as the shutterbug, whilst Dane DeHaan plays the wicked rebel as a whispering softie. It’s an oddball movie, filled with oddball characters, in an oddball time. The performances are sublime …

National Post (US) | Vancouver Sun (Canada)

“It probably helps that he’s paired with a twitchy performance from Robert Pattinson as photographer Dennis Stock, who took the famous photo of Dean in the rain in New York’s Times Square. Together, the two are a soda and molasses shooter.  That dynamic is itself almost enough to propel Life to greatness, but ultimately a sense of lethargy – in the filmmaking, not the performances – hampers the picture.”

Sun-Times (US)

“[Pattinson’s] playing the relatively bland supporting character in a film about a legendary leading actor of the 1950s.  Smart move by Pattinson. It’s further evidence he’s a legitimate actor with a bright future, and the willingness to sublimate ego in favor of craft.”

Roger Ebert (US)

“Pattinson is, as it happens, very good at playing needy, and he succeeds beautifully in making his character sympathetic without being particularly likable.”

Ciao Magazine (Aust – DVD review)

“… but it’s Robert Pattinson (the wan vampire himself) who has the stronger role. He’s Dennis Stock, a stringer for Life magazine who finally lands that pic of a huddled Dean in wintery Times Square with the ciggy dangling, that pose we all know so well. As cool as it is calculated, Life is a fascinating portrait of the fame game, and an era.”

Cinefilic (Canada)

“Magnificently defended by two actors at the top of their art (Robert Pattinsoncontinues to trust important filmmakers and Dane Dehaan is nothing short of a revelation after all the Chronicle of this world) …”

Las Vegas Weekly (US)

“But Pattinson and DeHaan are both strong, portraying real people with a mix of imitation and individuality. Like a good photographer, they capture the subject’s essence while adding their own perspectives.”

San Diego Union Tribune (US)

“It really is the work of Pattinson, and even more so DeHaan, that makes “Life” a success.”

Concrete Playground (Aust) “10 Best Movies Hardly Anyone Saw”

” With the same precision he demonstrated in his last account of a fallen idol, the Joy Division-centric Control, Corbijn achieves just that as he focuses on Dean’s connection with Life magazine photographer Dennis Stock (Robert Pattinson).”

Critics Roundup (US)

Most of the critics are listed above, but I’m adding the link as it gives Life a score of 75 which means a positive response.

The AV Club (US)

“Corbijn also gets very good and somewhat against “type” performances from Robert Pattinson as Stock and Dane DeHaan as Dean. … Meanwhile, Pattinson has shifted easily out of his own “moody new star” years, playing Stock as tentative and desperate—and much more of a man-on-the-make than his subject.”

My Entertainment World (US)

103. Life
This little-seen film about James Dean (played with maximum mumble by Dane DeHaan) and the photographer who shot him for Life Magazine (played with moving precision by the greatly underrated Robert Pattinson)”

The Guardian (DVD)

“Corbijn’s film deserved more patient consideration last year from critics and audiences.”

Unsung Films (Greece)

“On the other hand Robert Pattinson is trying his best. His character is not only more relatable but, in the end, more interesting than that of DeHaan’s. However, the character feels a bit underdeveloped, so no matter how hard Robert Pattinson tries, and he does deliver a very well rounded performance, Dennis Stock is a bit of an underwhelming character.”

We Got This Covered

“Pattinson’s fine under similar constraints, playing a character so constipated by his own inadequacy that he never betrays much of anything at all (a subplot involving Stock’s terrible choices as a father only grabs your attention thanks to some unexpected vomiting).”

Let’s Start With This One (UK) (DVD)

“Ever since he moved away from Twilight, Robert Pattinson has been making films that are completely different but key to the times and every time it seems to be a success in highlighting the brilliant acting he has. And in Life he has taken Dane DeHaan along with him.  Both actors provide a superb viewing experience that makes for audiences to be left on the edge of their seats …” (4 stars)

Impuse Gamer (DVD)

“Robert Pattinson (“Twilight”) in his best and most mature performance to date)”.

Top 10 Films (UK) (DVD)

“Robert Pattinson delivers an excellent performance…

is clear to see why this role appealed to Pattinson as the character is both appalled and undeniably drawn by success. Pattinson is the main reason to seek this film out, he has purposefully chosen off-kilter and challenging work post his Twilight heart-throb years. He effectively portrays a tender fragility and professional ambition that sidelines personal relationships. Pattinson’s performance makes you forget you are watching a performance, you only see the character, unlike DeHaan’s James Dean.”

Impulse Gamer (DVD)

“(Robert Pattinson (“Twilight”) in his best and most mature performance to date)”

The Movies (DVD – South Africa)

“[Pattinson] delivers one of his best performances …”

Leigh Journal (DVD – UK)

“Forget Pattinson in the Twilight saga. After the likes of dystopian drama, The Rover, and now this, the actor has really come into his own.”

Filmtastisch (German – DVD)

Well worth seeing are also the performances of Robert Pattinson and especially by Dane DeHaan …”

The Sun (UK)

“Pattinson Shines … Pattinson has never been better. As the troubled and temperamental Stock he delivers such a mature and captivating performance that all memories of his glittery-vampire youth are now firmly dead and buried.

DVD Corner (DVD)

“What makes “Life” so rewarding isn’t the content, but the performances. Robert Pattinson does a fine job as Dennis (especially when he has scenes with Dane DeHaan) …”

GadgetGear (DVD – Netherlands)

“The road to this amazing photo series and also the way these guys follow along, is full of wisdom and views. Life is certainly not a happy life lesson, but one that stays with you. Robert Pattinson, best known here for his role in The Twilight Saga, plays the somewhat nervous but brilliant Dennis Stock … At every step in the film unattainable Dean seems to come closer. In Stock, including us.Layer by layer, we get to see more of him and see what life does to him.”

Radiovesti (Russia)

“Robert Pattinson, who once again, after two films , David Cronenberg , proving its ability to be sensitive and versatile artist.”

Forbes (Russia)

“Photographer played by Robert Pattinson – a good versatile actor”.

CultProStir (Ukraine)

Corbijn captivates. And it would be better to say, involves you in the atmosphere of the epoch, when Elia Kazan was young and acting talents are truly outstanding.  … Anton Corbijn film, of course, slightly simplifies and story and characters …. but it fades into the background when immersed in earnest, homely story of how one talent gave another inspiration.”

Cinefilo Guide  & Cinepop (Brazil)

Life – A Portrait of James Dean is a feature film with fine performances, a very competent script, plus a soundtrack to there interesting.  …  promises to please not only the Dean fans but anyone who likes a good story.

Cultural Estadao (Brazil)

“Stock is played by Robert Pattinson, who makes a discreet work, sober, which guarantees convincing interpretation, based on the “less is more”. …

Planocritico (Brazil)

“Robert Pattinson ends up doing better in his role, … the way he incorporates that other facet of Dennis Stock, and it’s completely different from that used in the rest of the film imposition ends up giving us one of the best moments of the film.”

Mondobacana (Brazil)

” Still in a fierce crusade to get rid of teenage vampirinho image of the film saga Twilight , Robert Pattinson also gives a show in the interpretation of turbulent personal and professional life of Dennis. … For those who like both the pop of the 20th century culture and art immortalize a moment of life in an image, through the eyes and the aid of light, Anton Corbijn enchants again.”

Guardia Da Meia-Noite (Brazil)

“Robert Pattinson made a median performance, but certainly contributes to it to continue permanently erasing the stereotype “actor modinha.”

Cinesiageek (Brazil)

“Still the film has good performances and is a visually appealing reconstitution.”



And the Not So Cool

Cinephilia (Australia)

“For the most part we’re left with two good actors working hard on their own thing but failing to connect with each other, and without that connection we struggle to understand how it was that Stock managed to capture such insightful images of the troubled young actor.

It’s a shame, because Luke Davies’ first screenplay since Candy (2005) has plenty of material that could have had us riveted by these two enigmatic characters. What we get, though, is a film that’s strong on looks and mood and light on characterisation and depth of storytelling. The photos themselves, which are intercut into the credit roll, are warm, personal and intensely human. The film, sadly, is not.”

Flickering Myth (UK)

” The awkwardness, the struggling photographer/artist, and the only one who recognises Dean’s superstar potential, all culminate to forge a character that remains outside of himself. To have two socially awkward interact with each other is less for laughs and more for self-discovery.” Rating: 2 stars

Australian Financial Review (Australia)

“Part of the problem lies with Pattinson, an actor with an emotional range that makes David Bowie look versatile. I’ve watched this former teen idol in half a dozen films over the past few years, and am still awaiting a convincing performance.”

Make the Switch (Australia)

“‘Life’, contrary to what we are all taught, isn’t short. Get comfy – you’re going to be here for a while, and by the end of it probably question why you stayed.”

Disassociated (Australia)

“After meeting at a party, Stock is keen to collaborate with Dean, but the actor is reluctant. He soon changes his mind, and invites Stock along on a visit to see his family in rural Indiana. It is this trip that is meant to be a turning point for both, and the story’s decisive moment, but the momentum is already flagging”.  3 out of 5 stars

The West Australian (Australia)

“…So it’s fair to say Corbijn knows a thing or two about bringing iconic figures to life, whether through cinema or the more static form of photography.

But Life, his portrait of a seminal moment in the brief life of James Dean (played here by Dane DeHaan), is strangely static and frustrating, slow-going and ultimately unrewarding.”

Eden Caceda (Australia)

…”Pattinson’s performance is much better than his famed Twilight acting and actually carries much of the film. But even he falls into the potholes of the film’s script and appeals too much to the audience’s emotions than leading the way of how we should feel. Even the release of the photos, which is undoubtedly meant to be the most exciting part of this journey, is boring, albeit the moment we are privy to the recreation of Dean’s famous Times Square shot.

Life is an interesting film for those who want to learn about Dean, but it’s intrigue ends there. My Week With Marilyn does the “experience the person behind the celebrity” much better and give Rebel Without A Cause a watch if you want to experience realistic, unadulterated angst Dean was famous for. Ultimately Life doesn’t get to the bottom of Dean’s problems or explains his emotions, which without this insight for a personality exploration, simply makes for a frustrating cinematic experience.”

Spooool (Ireland)

“Pattison as Stock is equally as morose, trying to be seen as an artist and not just some red carpet joke. … Stock is a caricature of a photographer and Pattison fails to give him any real depth.”

That Other Movie Blog

“While Robert Pattinson may have carried the desperation that the young Stock had with finding work, I found his accent to be incredibly unbearable and he had little chemistry with his co-stars.” 1 star

The Hollywood News (UK)

“By all means, watch it to find out what James Dean was like behind the camera. But if you go in with low expectations, then you may walk out surprised… but not pleasantly!” 2 out of 5 stars


The List (UK)

“Life also suffers from a floundering focus, uncertain of who it wants its protagonist to be – the more interesting actor, or the thinly drawn man through which we view him. It plumps for Stock for the most part, but is unable to tear itself away from Dean in the closing moments, as he teeters on the cliff-edge of both stardom and death.”  (Maria: For some reason this reviewer just didn’t want to obviously comment about Rob’s performance.  I find that odd).

Telefilm Central (Italy)

“The character of Stock, however, as mentioned earlier, is too similar to ‘traditional role of Pattinson’, a mask that former Twilight actor seems to have a hard time shaking off.”  Note:  Although they think the film as a whole should be seen.  Maybe I should have listed this under “lost in translation”.

Candid Magazine (UK)

“If DeHaan is uneven, then Robert Pattinson is ploddingly steady as Dennis Stock. Armed with a handful of expressions and twitches, Pattinson employs them all whenever he can with little meaning or understanding behind the actions. His estranged wife and son feel like furnishing rather than anything defining about his character. Besides the self-loathing stares, Pattinson rarely scratches the surface of Stock, content to serve as the foil to the altogether more conflicted Dean.”

entertainment.ie (Ireland)

“…But Life oddly ends on a positive if bittersweet note. Maybe the Dutch director is at his best when being morose because this is his weakest to date.

…It’s Pattinson that’s the secret weapon, a lived-in performance sneaking in under the radar but he’s hampered too by an underwritten role. There are attempts to colour in his background with an ex-wife (Julia Schnabel) pressuring him help out with their son (Jack Fulton) but this doesn’t give him enough. Davies and Corbijn are at pains to form a symbiotic relationship – both are trying to break from the old, both get sick at the same time – but there’s no feeling of brotherhood, a two-against-the-world bond.

Life has some fun with its pop culture references and there is a tingle when Stock begins to snap Dean in those famous unglamorous poses but the film is always in danger of underplaying itself into a stupor – there’s not enough fire in its belly to keep things chugging despite Ben Kingsley showing up as the whip-cracking studio mogul Jack Warner.

Good performances, not so good film.”

2 & a half stars out of 5

Newstalk (Ireland)

Life is a slight story about the relationship between 24-year-old unknown James Dean (Dane DeHaan) and Dennis Stock (Robert Pattinson), the photographer who took many of the most iconic pictures of the “rebel without a cause” in the mid 50s.

They meet at a party in Hollywood given by Nicholas Ray and Stock makes several abortive attempts to convince the actor to let him take his picture in real-life settings. Everything ultimately comes together on a visit to the farm in Fairmont, Indiana where Dean grew up with his aunt and uncle.

The movie is set in that period in Dean’s life between East Of Eden and Rebel Without a Cause, hitting of his romance with Pier Angeli (he is told at a press conference that she has announced her engagement to the singer Vic Damone) and the studio system in the form of the ruthless Warner Bros. boss Jack Warner (Ben Kingsley).

Otherwise there isn’t much in it, although it looks well and the period settings are convincingly established.”

Movies (Ireland)

“Robert Pattinson hits one note throughout the entire film; never seeming to get angry, sad, happy or anything in between, just coasting along and pursuing a man who wants to be pursued.” 2.5 out of 5 stars

Supercalifragilistic (Belgium)

“Life is a half-hearted biopic about the young Magnum photographer to-be, Dennis Stock, which develops a close relationship with rising star James Dean.” 2 out of 5 stars

The Final Cut (Australia)

Some praise for Rob:

“Robert Pattinson holds the film with a delicately brooding performance as Dennis Stock, a celebrity photographer for ‘LIFE’ magazine.”

but not so much for the film:

“LIFE is surprising languid, even slow”

Click here to listen to full audio review.

Sky (UK)

“No matter how much intensity these young talents bring – and there’s no doubt that both are Acting with a capital A – neither can overcome the dramatic inertia of a script that’s duller than an Indiana sky in November.”

The Independent (Ireland)

“Not all [reviews] have been kind to Life, but I liked its thoughtful pacing and the subtle way it teases out the complex interactions between Dean and his photographic Boswell. Dane DeHaan does a very nice job of capturing Dean’s hesitant charisma and wounded psyche: if his performance seems a trifle mannered at times, that’s entirely in keeping with Dean’s painfully self-conscious mannerisms.

His performance grows through the film, so much so that he even begins to look like him. Pattinson has a harder time of it: his character seems a little one-dimensional next to Dean’s, and he spends most of his time playing a grumpy and disaffected second fiddle.”

A Sophisticated Noise (UK)

“Pattinson continues to look uncomfortable on screen, pulling his jaw and posing like his Twilight days. His performance is inconsistent, he hardly seems to want to make eye contact with his fellow actors.”

The Guardian UK (bleh!)

“Life review – Pattinson gives a dull performance in a dull film” – like this dull review!

The Straight (US)

“What little credibility the film manages to build is totally lost once we see actual photographs of the real Dean. A few classic images are all it takes to appreciate his undeniable presence. The rest just seems awkward. And there’s nothing cool about that.”

The Star (Canada)

“On a poster, it inspires awe. In this movie, it looks like just a lucky snapshot. That’s Life for you, and much more’s the pity for it.”

Ioncinema (US)

“… but while Pattinson’s given all the right lines to utter about a man pursuing his dreams, it’s never quite apparent, instead flatly drawn in interactions with boss Joel Edgerton (in a thankless role).”

Kalafudra (Austria)

” I have yet to see a Corbijn film that I really liked but Life may be the worst so far. It certainly felt longest.”

New York Times (US)

“Mr. Pattinson, who has been compared to Dean, dials down his glow to nearly nothing to become a wan, frustrated ’50s man hustling for his big artistic break.”

Straight.com (US)

” But Pattinson’s Stock is a bitter, uptight young man who can’t relax into the moment unless he’s holding a camera.” (Maria:  I think they missed the point of that performance) … What little credibility the film manages to build is totally lost once we see actual photographs of the real Dean. A few classic images are all it takes to appreciate his undeniable presence. The rest just seems awkward. And there’s nothing cool about that.”

The Hollywood News (DVD)

Pattinson starts well as a shy and uncomfortable Stock … Unfortunately though, neither character feels fully formed – or particularly likeable – with Dean painted as lazy, selfish and immature and Pattinson’s Stock quickly becoming a bland, brooding workaholic. There’s a lack of real chemistry between the two throughout, with the film missing any real spark.


Lost in Translation

  • Carmel
    Posted on July 26, 2015

    These are good. I will assume the IZQ article was lost in translation a bit and the jorno was making a comparison of Rob to Stock not in relation to trying to prove his worth in big roles so much as quality work.
    Thanks Maria. Really, really thank you. It’s this type of post that sets RPAU apart from any other fan site. Maybe we can extend that comparison above to include RPAU’s ethos.

  • Ephie
    Posted on August 10, 2015

    Happiness is reading these reviews recognizing Rob’s talent. Thanks so much Maria as always. I cannot wait to see this. Been waiting a loooong time to see him on the big screen again.

  • barbara
    Posted on August 15, 2015

    Thankyou sweet Maria. I am bursting with joy to see this movie, Rob is the Meryl Streep of nailing an accent no mater how difficult and as Dennis Stock he has perfected it.
    Bravo Bravo !! I am on my knees praying we in Coffs Harbour are lucky enough to have the movie shown on our one and only Cinema. This is when I miss Sydney.

  • Hazeldene13
    Posted on September 11, 2015

    I saw “Life” at Palace Electric in Canberra last night. Due to the fact that the distributor, Transmission did no advertising, I had the pleasure of a private screening with there other women for this excellent movie. If you get a chance to see it, go, it is every bit as good as you would expect.The cinematography is excellent, it is visually beautiful, Rob perfectly captured the nervous ambition of Stock, and the circling of the two artists Stock & Dean, is very well executed. 5 stars from me.

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