February 3rd, 2015 / 13 Comments

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Updated:  New list inclusions added to end of this post.

Remember a few weeks ago we posted that Maps to the Stars was included in a couple of “Best of” lists.  I thought I’d do a roundup since both The Rover and Maps have been appearing in a few people’s lists.  I know some fans haven’t had the chance to see these films on the big screen because of their limited releases, but isn’t it more important that Rob’s film choices are garnering the attention of some of the people who had written him off as that “sparkly guy from Twilight” to know acknowledging that he’s actually *gasp* impressing them with his choices and acting:

Thompson on Hollywood:

Ann Thompson included Rob in her Actors who had a strong 2014 “Robert Pattinson (“The Rover” and “Maps to the Stars”)

Ryan Lattanzio included Maps in this Top Ten films:

10. “Maps to the Stars” (dir. David Cronenberg)
I love every stupid moment of this sick, twisted, nasty little movie (which had a tiny qualifying run in LA this month) that has been misinterpreted as satire—it’s not. It’s a dead-serious, pitch-black ghost story and, sure, it’s tonally a mess, but I loved writhing in the filth of writer Bruce Wagner’s Hollywood rock-bottom, a demimonde of deluded pill-swilling actresses, schizophrenic burn victims, incest families and drug-addicted child stars. In other words, home sweet home for director David Cronenberg.”

The Playlist:

Maps to the Stars Tops John Waters’ 10 Best Films of 2014

Leading the way on the filmmakers’ 10 Best Films Of 2014 is David Cronenberg‘s Hollywood satire, “Maps To The Stars.” And his description of it, no matter where you stand on the movie, is perfect: “Hilariously funny and, dare I say it, yes, pernicious. I love this film more than I love my own mustache.” Awesome.”

20 Best Films of 2014

“20. “The Rover”
If one takes “The Rover” on its own methodical, minimalist terms — an existentialist fable that burrows deep into the moralism of its corrupted, barren landscape — it’s hard to deny that writer/director David Michod’s sophomore effort wholly accomplishes what it sets out to do. Stripping away all narrative complexity to the point of abstraction, the character study really breathes, but in such a completely different way to Michod’s triumphant last feature “Animal Kingdom,” that after just two features and a few shorts, Michod has us convinced he’s the real deal. Featuring a stunningly grizzled, grimy lead performance by Guy Pearce, easily one of our favorite working actors, and an impressive turn from Robert Pattinson who is growing as a performer with every film, it’s a movie that pulsates beneath the surface and in the long silences between dialogue and outbursts of violence. And it’s starkly beautiful to look at and to listen to, eschewing revelations and plot twists to deliver its deceptively simple story through mood, tone and atmosphere.”

Best of 2014:  The 15 Best Movie Soundtracks

“6. “The Rover”
You gotta hand it to Aussie David Michôd. After “Animal Kingdom” the world was his oyster and he spent months in Hollywood looking at scripts and potential projects. But for a second act Michôd decided to take a bold left turn with “The Rover,” a dissonant, minimalist two-hander that feels literally scorched by the sun. For his post-economic-collapse picture, Michôd decided to only employ post-apocalyptic modes through mood, atmosphere, and music. While there’s some score by Antony Partos utilized, the bulk of the movie’s simmering, sinister musical tendencies are discordant and cacophonous source music by experimental and ambient composers the director chose (all of it listed here). There’s seminal avant-garde musician William Basinski (who might be experiencing a minor renaissance since he was used in “The Comedy” in 2013), Chicago post-rockers Tortoise, and Montreal-based saxophonist and multireedist Colin Stetson—a touring member of Arcade Fire, Bell Orchestre, and Bon Iver (he also wrote the underrated score for “Blue Caprice” along with Sarah Neufeld from Arcade Fire). “The Rover” is not the most inviting or forgiving movie, but that’s the point (and of course a chipper Keri Hilson song briefly breaks the mood in a moment that’s both comical and yet heartbreaking). It’s a bleak, nihilistic look at the strange and unlikely partnership between a deceptively complex simpleton (Robert Pattinson) and callous, nearly inhuman man (Guy Pearce) who will stop at nothing to retrieve all that he has lost. And Michôd’s soundtrack is equally cruel, heartless, and unrelenting—in the best way.”

Indiewire 2014 End of Year Critics Poll

Indiewire had it’s End of Year Critics Poll for Best Male Supporting Actor and out of 50 Rob is listed as no. 14.  Fabulous.  And I’ve posted the box below so you can see how the critics voted for him.

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BFI / Sight & Sound:

2 people voted for Maps to the Stars as one of the top 5 films they had seen this year.  If you click on the link above it will let you see what company Maps is in on their lists.

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Four of the 11 panelists in 4:3’s Best of Lists included Maps to the Stars in their Top 10 films of 2014

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Salty Popcorn:

JK has The Rover at no. 16:


Only saw this last week and just WOW – best Australian movie for the year. RPatz deserves an Oscar nomination for supporting actor, but alas, the academy will not even consider it.”

Andrew Brusentsev has it as no. 20.  You can read his review from the red carpet Sydney premiere by clicking on the hyperlink.”

Taste of Cinema (thanks to JK for the heads up on this one)

No. 17 out of top 23

“Few films this year have been as dark and despairing as The Rover. Taking place ten years after the collapse of all society, The Rover is a tale of survival and the violent trepidation of enduring life in a desolate and violently lawless world. Anguish, death, and the loss of human morals are forces to be reckoned with at every corner, presenting an indistinguishable line between desperation and immorality.

Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson’s performances are heart-wrenchingly astounding as they struggle to keep the values of a once-esteemed society, such as honor and integrity in a world that has become all too bleak and inhumane. The Rover is both melancholic and unnervingly intense, making it a gripping yet contemplative experience.”

Huffington Post – The Year in Film 2014

Great indie revenge stories: I suppose it says something about me that Jeremy Saulnier’s Blue Ruin and David Michod’s The Rover – two of the most physically and psychologically brutal movies of the year — were in my personal top 10. But that’s for me and my therapist to talk through.”

The woman cinematographer: ... And two of the most acclaimed female DPs of all time, Mandy Walker and Natasha Braier, should get some Oscar attention for Tracks and The Rover, respectively. The odds are against them receiving a nomination, but going up against highs odds is nothing new for a woman trying to make it as a cinematographer.”

The Playlist – Underrated Films of 2014

“Underrated:  If overrated is a dubious, questionable term —and it is, see the intro of this piece— than underrated feels a little less problematic. After all, you are ostensibly shedding light on deserving films that need more attention, and there was really no shortage of those types of movies in 2014, especially when compared to “Guardians Of The Galaxy” or some major blockbuster. But it’s all relative …  “The Rover” was my mid-year underrated pick and I think I’ll just stick with that one, but again all the other films mentioned deserved much more love too.”

Pittsburgh City Paper – 2014 Films of Note

“Robert Pattinson and Guy Pearce take a disturbing road trip in a dystopic Australia, in The Rover.”

Indiewire – Nicholas Laskin Top 10

“10. “The Rover
I must confess that I had been looking forward to this one since it was first announced and before I knew a damn thing about the film. David Michod’s chilling “Animal Kingdom” remains one of the most startling and assured directorial debuts of the last decade, and my favorite from the current crop of gloriously pessimistic Aussie cinema that includes the films of John Hillcoat, Andrew Dominik’s “Chopper,” and Justin Kurzel’s “The Snowtown Murders.” And yet my already-colossal expectations were not just met, but exceeded by “The Rover,” Michod’s spare, brutal look at savagery and survival in a world abandoned and left to rot by the very people who once inhabited it. The film unfolds in the midst of a worldwide catastrophe called “The Collapse,” the causes of which Michod wisely declines to explain. Some have criticized the film’s leisurely pace and minimal plot, but when the mood and menace is this thick and gorgeous, it would be churlish to complain. Guy Pearce—who, in his whole career, has never been this feral or terrifying, even when he beat Shia LaBoeuf to within an inch of his life in “Lawless”—plays Eric, a frazzled shell of a man whose single-minded pursuit of his missing automobile forms the crux of the film’s slow-burning narrative. As his traveling companion, Robert Pattinson is nothing less than a revelation. The actor has often relied on his striking good looks and air of affectless-ness in the recent films of David Cronenberg, where affectless-ness is a consistent stylistic choice. As Rey, the stammering, sweet-hearted simpleton whose wardrobe looks to be on loan from a 90’s rap-rock band, Pattinson reveals newfound dimensions to his screen persona. He is daft, childlike, full of wonderment and fear. He and Pearce acclimate themselves effortlessly to Michod’s hellish milieu, which strips its “Mad Max” futurescape of all action-movie chicanery and unnecessary exposition and reduces it to the bare essentials. Some have called the film “dystopian,” although that seems unfair and not quite accurate—perhaps this collective misjudgment is to blame for the film’s performance at the box office. But any film that manages to successfully utilize Keri Hilson’s joyously insipid “Pretty Girl Rock” in its most emotionally charged moment has to be something pretty special.”

The Film Stage (Top 50 Films of 2014)

“50. The Rover (David Michôd)

A cold-blooded, powerful and moral thriller staring Guy Pearce and (a virtually unrecognizable) Robert Pattinson as men traversing an apocalyptic landscape in rural Australia. A bleak and compelling nightmare lensed by Natasha Braier, The Rover is a chillingly sparse picture, cementing David Michôd as a new master. – John F.”

Radio Times (mag scan)

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Thanks for sending to me Suze.

Herald Net:

“But let’s survey the best of 2014, and imagine what all this might tell us about ourselves when we look back ten years from now. A pink box of sugary confections from Mendl’s Bakery to the following:

6. “Blue Ruin” and “The Rover.” …  “Rover” is a grim Aussie film, mildly post-apocalyptic, in which Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson make an uneasy duo. Director David Michod strips everything down so that all details matter — including the payoff of the last 60 seconds.


“I’ll be frank – this film hasn’t stood the test of time in the six months since it opened the Sydney Film Festival. David Michôd’s second feature burned up a lot of the hype and goodwill that followed his frighteningly accomplished debut Animal Kingdom. By contrast, The Rover is a slight movie – an overextended version of the short films that members of the Blue-Tongue Films collective have excelled at in the past.

But The Rover mesmerised me, and Guy Pearce’s performance killed me. Michôd gets bleakness. I watched this in Los Angeles, where the dead midday pollution and endless highways made the film seem more realistic than apocalyptic. It rang true, and enthralled me for all its hundred and three minutes. And that’s why I go to the cinema.

It helped me understand Animal Kingdom better, too – in The Rover’s wake, Michôd’s debut showed itself as a stealthily dystopian film about the tragic realities of present-day, pre-collapse late capitalism.”

Thanks to @SaltyPopcornau for the Junkee heads up.

The Yorker (Top 10 Films of 2014)

6. Maps to the Stars

Celebrity is often satirised, but not usually so well. David Cronenburg’s Maps to the Stars was appalling, trashy, and thrilling. Stunningly entertaining yet thought provoking and at times, moving. It was testament to the idea that perfect execution can sometimes be better than having the most original idea.”

 Den of Geek (The Top 20 Underappreciated Films of 2014)

After all the attention Andrew David Michod’s debut feature Animal Kingdom rightly received, we logically assumed that The Rover would have appeared with a bit more fanfare. But while reviews were largely positive, Michod’s post-apocalyptic thriller sneaked out on a limited release in US cinemas. Guy Pearce stars as Eric, a seething, violently amoral man on the hunt for his car, which was stolen by a criminal gang. Along the way, Eric forms an uneasy partnership with the gentle, easily-led Rey (Robert Pattinson), a gang member injured and left behind during their escape.

What follows is a minimalistic, moody and occasionally brutal film. The Rover’s Australian setting and dusty roads have drawn inevitable comparisons to Mad Max, but Michod’s film has its own stark and meditative atmosphere, with some superb, contrasting performances from Pearce and Pattinson. The Rover also sees Pearce engaged in a confrontation with a group of a disgruntled circus performers, which isn’t something we were expecting to see in a bleak, post-societal collapse road movie.

No less a figure than Quentin Tarantino praised The Rover as “a mesmerising, visionary achievement.” And who are we to argue?”

CineFix (Top 10 Most Underrated Films of 2014)

No. 3 The Rover (starts at 8.08 with Rob) “The performances are top notch”



The Playlist (25 Best Movies of 2015 We’ve Already Seen)

“Maps to the Stars”

Director: David Cronenberg (“Eastern Promises,” “Cosmopolis“)
Cast: Julianne Moore, John Cusack, Mia Wasikowska, Evan Bird, Olivia Williams, Robert Pattinson
Synopsis: Mega-dysfunctional Hollywood power family the Weisses find their ambitions endangered when potentially criminally insane daughter Agatha comes back to town to work for a middle-aged movie star who is desperate for a comeback and who happens to be a client of Agatha’s analyst father.
Verdict: Soapy to the point of lunacy, overwrought to a near-camp extreme, and atypically messy from the usually hospital-corners Cronenberg, “Maps to the Stars” is also a huge, almost sinful truckload of fun. Assembling a wonderful cast who take delight in ripping to shreds the folly and hubris of the vacant Hollywood lifestyle, the film is a riot of inside-baseball winks about the film industry, and the deeply narcissist, rotten-to-the-core sellouts who populate it. Julianne Moore’s titanic performance as the fading star facing encroaching middle age (and therefore irrelevance) is so good that it won her Cannes’ Best Actress award, and in one go ensures that she herself will never suffer her character’s fate. But all of the cast do sterling work: it’s a, “Hey, where you been?” to John Cusack, and a, “Hello, we’ll be seeing a lot more of you,” to Evan Bird, especially. It’s may simply be a gonzo gothic telenovela (so much soap can only ever generate so much froth), but it’s a giddy good time at the pictures.
Our Review: Here’s Oli’s B+ take from Cannes
Release Date: February 27th”

Indiewire (The 10 Indie Films You Must See this February)

“#1. “Maps to the Stars” (Feb 27)

(Film Page)
Director: David Cronenberg
Cast: Julianne Moore, Mia Wasikowska, John Cusack, Evan Bird, Robert Pattinson, Olivia Williams
Distributor: Focus World
Criticwire Average: B
Why is it a “Must See”? Cronenberg’s followup to 2012’s “Cosmopolis” (and the first project by the Canadian director shot in the United States) does a far better job of skewing capitalism’s discontents by exploring their manifestations in the American movie business. Every missive hits its target hard with a comedy-horror combo aimed squarely at the kind of commercial stupidity that Cronenberg has avoided throughout his 45-year career. Now we know why.”


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  • Roberta
    Posted on December 15, 2014


  • Jules
    Posted on December 15, 2014

    Wow, absolutely brilliant!! Thanks so much for putting this together…. Another RPAU post, another huge grin on my face 😉

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 15, 2014

    These two films can’t fail but to grab people’s attention. All accolades are well deserved and cartwheel worthy

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 16, 2014

    Fabulous! Look how far he has come in such a short time. Being on a list with Ben Mendelsohn is pretty awesome too.

  • Barbara.
    Posted on December 17, 2014

    So happy to read something sane and positive, Rob is a very talented actor, also a sweet young guy as the beautiful RPA ladies found when he was here for the prem of my favourite Rob movie”The Rover” and the flakes think he is washed up? That one eye in the centre of their flat forehead needs to take a visit to Specsavers Bravo !Bravo! Rob

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 24, 2014

    The right people know about these two incredible movies. I still think it’s a crying shame they didn’t get a wider release

  • Jules
    Posted on December 25, 2014

    Yeah, still here, still grinning!! Amazing films, they and those involved in them deserve the praise. It’s a joy to read!!
    I’m almost there…the UK release of The Rover is so so close now 💃🙌🙌😁 can’t wait to watch this over and over!!

  • Sue
    Posted on December 29, 2014

    Can’t wait for you to enjoy The Rover Jules. Over and over and over.

    This post brought a huge smile to my face. Hopefully Rob gets to read these fantastic reviews/comments too. So agree with you @Carmel re wider releases.

  • Silvie
    Posted on December 31, 2014

    Bloody brilliant! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone here, this is a great site, I love It and look forward to seeing everyone here in 2015 continuing to support Rob’s career. And David Michod too.
    Happy New Year everyone!

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 31, 2014

    Loved Ryan’s delight in Maps. HeHeHe

    And anything written about The Rover makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. That movie is a monumental success that I am sure will be talked about for years

    It would be very remiss of me not to say a huge THANK YOU to our wonderful Maria for continually pulling together all the amazing details about The Biz that relates to Rob. You’re a Star and a Lucky Bitch!

  • sue
    Posted on February 03, 2015

    I loved watching the CineFix video (most underrated films) ~ thought what was said was spot on. Time for a little bit of Rey one night this week …… thanks Maria.

  • Trish
    Posted on February 04, 2015

    Maria, you can add ‘review researcher and archivist extraordinaire’ to your expanding repertoire. This is bloody brilliant and so exciting to read. Thanks so much for taking time and effort to put this together.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 04, 2015

    My pleasure @Trish.

  • Leave a Reply

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