Allocine France spoke to Olivier Assays at Cannes & he mentiond Rob & Idol’s Eye. Â I am LOVING the sounds of this film. Â Cannot wait to hear more. Â The whole interview is in French but have included the tanslation below thanks to Pattinson Art Work
Olivier Assayas: My next film, I will shoot it in the fall, in Chicago, it’s a genre film, this is a story of Mafia and burglars, it takes place in the late 70s and there is an internationnal casting.
Allociné: And there’s Robert Pattinson, it’s sure?
Olivier Assayas: Yes yes yes
Allociné: And it has to do with Kristen Stewart or is it coincidence?
Olivier Assayas: Oh no it is blind chance, it is blind chance.
Posted on May 24, 2014
A 70’s Chicago gangster movie – Dear Lord, it has been a very very good year.
Posted on May 24, 2014
The 70s, you say? Does that mean we get a long-haired, mo-sporting Rob a la Starsky & Hutch? Ha ha ha! I’d love to see that. (Not to mention the ass-hugging bell-bottom jeans and lycra body shirts…)