As some of you may have noticed in the last 24 hours, RPAU has been having some major site issues. We are battling with our host at the moment because of course it’s not an issue with them *rolls eyes*. This is just a quick post to ask people to bookmark our backup site Robert Pattinson Australia blogspot. Believe me if we disappear we will be posting over there.
This is especially for those who don’t have Twitter and won’t get our messages that we are experiencing problems.
Sorry about the hassle, but Cannes is coming up this weekend and we all know that you don’t want to miss a thing *damn now I have Aerosmith in my head*.
Thank you and I hope everything will be fine soon with the site. Cannes will be more exciting this year, especially because of Rob and his two films 🙂
Thanks for letting me know of the issue with the website as I never want to lose any more chances of seeing any more beautiful pics on this site.
Us too Leah. Fingers crossed our issues will be sorted asap. we’re definitely working to get them solved 🙂
Backup site now bookmarked at this end ~ thanks for the suggestion!
LOL re Aerosmith @Maria!
Nooooooo – Not that Aerosmith song! The only thing worse than having that in my head would be missing anything from RPAU.
Thanks Ladies
Always good to have a back up plan!
Thanks for the heads-up, Maria. I noticed how gluggy it was yesterday when I visited – I thought it was my network. If things go pear-shaped during the Cannes Festival of Rob, at least I’ll know it’s not at my end! And believe me, I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN. :)LOL
I thought of you Trish I know not everyone is on Twitter and there was no way we would miss bringing you all the epicness that is Cannes.
Thx maria for pointing this out. I was going to write to you but i thought the problem was on my end. I passed the news though….
Thank you, Maria! I was about to have my RP withdrawals yesterday with the site unattainable but it happens so I didn’t worry. I knew you ladies were on top of it. I’ll just continue to peruse the latest postings and soak it allllll up!
Thank you, sweetie. I’m SO not of this ‘Twitter’ generation – I appreciate good websites for the love and care that go into them. Twitter just seems too… superficial(?) and throw-away. Oh, please get some sleep, girls. I have a feeling you’re going to need it!