Though I’m not able to post as often as I used to, the girls graciously invited me to share my favorite Rob moments of 2013. It was quite an epic year for Rob as his career moved forward with the beginning of production on new film projects and, of course, the launch of the Dior campaign. Â I’m looking forward to plenty of Rob goodness in 2014 when we finally see him back on the big screen. And on that note, here are my favorite selections of 2013. . .
Favorite Photoshoot: Dior Homme
As is always the case with a Rob photoshoot, it’s nearly impossible to pick a favorite photo. So I’m cheating and picking a few favorites.
Favorite New Anticipated Movie Role: I’m excited about all of Rob’s upcoming projects but it will definitely be great to see him back on the big screen in 2014 in David Michod’s ‘The Rover’ and collaborating once again with David Cronenberg in ‘Maps To The Stars’.
In terms of films that are yet to begin production, I have to go with ‘Mission: Blacklist’. Hopefully all the pre-production issues will be ironed out and a filming date will fall into place. The fact that Eric Maddox was so impressed with and personally selected Rob to portray him on the big screen says a lot. And I have no doubt that Rob will do the role justice.
Favorite Dior Moment: Â ‘The Ball’ from the Dior Homme film.
The film in its entirety was brilliant, but I especially loved the ball scene, as Rob takes the hand of the female guest and sweeps her around the dance floor. For me, it was like a Cinderella/Prince Charming moment. She blushes like a young girl and looks like she is on Cloud 9, as I’m sure all of us would if we were dancing with him, and I found it so endearing. He just has that effect.
Favorite Public Appearance: Â The Go Go Gala in November.
A great cause and another lovely example of charitable Rob. And what can I say, I was giddy to see the return of  the goutee.
Favorite Surprise Appearance: Visit to Children’s Hospital of L.A.
It just melted my heart to see Rob giving his time and attention to some of the young patients at CHLA.
Posted on January 02, 2014
Suze I love your collages that you did for the first two. And YES! how did I forget The Ball. I think that is my favourite extended scene. Rob makes us all a little like that *swoon*.
Love your choices and words *hugs*
Posted on January 02, 2014
Aww this is wonderful Suze, thanks so much for sharing with us. Your collages are a treat!!
fantastic choices 
Posted on January 02, 2014
Awww beautiful post Suze. LOVE your choices & words & your collages are just gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing Suze *hugs*
I have loved every minute of the fave 2013 moments posts – how much fun have they been. Bring on the epicness of 2014 – oh yeah it is going to be something very very special *cartwheels*
Posted on January 02, 2014
LOVE it Suze! I love the collages and your clarity when covering your faves from 2013. This is such a treat to be bathing in a post from you. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Posted on January 02, 2014
Awe Suze the goatee has to be one of my very fav Rob beardy/scruff looks I always wonder how soft it actually is…..
Thanks dear xx
Posted on January 02, 2014
Okay, I think I may have ‘SQUEEEED’ a little when I saw ‘The Ball’ as your choice, Suze. Which would have been fine if I wasn’t sitting around a resort pool *cough*. A few people looked, but no-one actually asked me what I was reacting to …… So I feel like I missed the chance to spread some Dior Rob love, bummer.
Love your collages, love all your choices, thank you Suze! All of the 2013 Fave Rob Moments have been wonderful – can’t think of a better way to start the new year! Thanks Ladies!
Posted on January 03, 2014
Bingo, Suze! That out-take/extended extra was sure special, and yeah, it is a bit of a Cinderella moment that somehow resonates with all of us ordinary mortal women out there. Speaking for myself, I’m not a gorgeous super-model type or ever likely to be a celebrity of any note, but this little exchange between living god and past-her prime party guest somehow made you believe something like this might be possible. It allows one to dream… Thanks for sharing your favourite Rob moments with us!