Merry Christmas to you all. What little treat have we got for you today? Follow Eric and all will be revealed….
Merry Christmas to you all. What little treat have we got for you today? Follow Eric and all will be revealed….
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Posted on December 25, 2013
Jules you sent us a teaser last week and what can I say. I really really want this on my wall. It’s fan-bloody-tabulous.
Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you have fun and laughs with your family and friends.
Merry Christmas Rob!
Posted on December 25, 2013
Jules there are no words to express how much I LOOOOOOOOVE your calendar. I have been so looking forward to seeing it in full since you sent us that AMAZING sneak peak. It is absolutely FANTASTIC & so beautiful. Thank you so much for making & sharing with us – this is going on my wall
Merry Christmas everyone *group hug* And Merry Christmas Rob xxx
Posted on December 25, 2013
OMG Jules! Thank you so much for 12 months of this joy inducing gift of the most beautiful Rob calendar ever. LOVE.
Merry Christmas everyone! Have a magical day filled with good times, family and friends. Eat, drink and be jolly … that goes for you too Rob.
Posted on December 25, 2013
Thank you Jules and just when I thought my day couldn’t get any better. I had put a Rob calendar on my wish list – you ladies are amazing you must have connections with Santa
Merry Christmas to everyone I wish you all a very happy and safe day xxxx
Posted on December 25, 2013
Hey, Jules, have you been reading my letter to Santa too? *giggles*
What a gorgeous Christmas treat ~ thank you so much.
Merry Xmas to one and all here at RPAU ~ you ladies are all truly amazing and give me so many laughs and smiles and warm fuzzy feelings throughout the year (oh, and hot flushes & a few other things that I won’t mention ‘coz it’s Christmas!). I know we are the lucky ones, having been blessed with the wonder of Rob in our lives, but I think Rob’s pretty lucky too, having such dedicated, wonderful fans, always wanting nothing but the best for him.
So have a wonderful Christmas everyone ~ and take time to be thankful for family, friends, RPAU & Rob. *Big hugs*
Posted on December 25, 2013
Jules, I love you! Thank you so very much for that beautiful, beautiful Christmas treat.

Your fave Rob Pic of the day says it all, Merry Christmas RPau and thank you again and again for this wonderful site.

Posted on December 25, 2013
Thank you so much! I have been waiting for a calendar for weeks now and it doesn’t get delivered. We have to order everything from overseas cause little get released here in South Africa. Now I can have a GORGEOUS one. Merry Christmas everyone feel the love of family, good friends, and God. Rob, you stay as special as you are. We love you for the person yoy are and I am thanking God everyday that I can have a rolemodel like you.
Posted on December 25, 2013
Beautiful words @carin.
@Lise-Lou we’ve already texted *giggles* but have a wonderful Christmas and it’s easy to be dedicated to such a lovely soul. So glad Rob has brought ALL of us together. I mean that sincerely. Cannot wait to enjoy 2014 with every single one of you. We are going to be in for an amazing journey and although I am skeptical when it comes to “psychics” – I like “The Seer’s” prediction for Rob:
“2 Robert Pattinson.
A really good year for him, in fact his best yet, both professionally and personally.”
2014 – I can’t wait for you to arrive.
Posted on December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas everyone!!!! I hope you’re all having a wonderful time. Such beautiful comments here, I agree with you all….RPAU is just a joy and a privilege to be part of. Thanks particularly to M&M for your amazing work behind the scenes & keeping us all up to date on all that matters here. Vertigo too
thanks to everyone who visits/comments and makes RPAU such a special place
Thank you Rob just for being you….bringing us all together, It’s a joy supporting you and enjoying this journey right along with you. An amazing, amazing year ahead for him that’s for sure….and I love that prediction Maria. He deserves only good things. 
*group hug* Apparently I’m quite emotional this morning lol
Posted on December 25, 2013
Just got home from the family get-together and now for some ‘me’ time (which of course involves RPAU!) I’m sitting at my computer in a cloud of Dior Homme (courtesy of this wonderful site) and savouring every single photo of this beautiful calender. Jules, what a lovely idea! I loved the ’12 days of Christmas’, loved every post you wonderful girls have put up this past year, and I wish all of you the best, most wonderful holiday season you can imagine. To all the other girls out there, I wish you all the best too, and thank goodness we can come together in this place and share our love for this wonderful man.
Jules, you are truly, truly special. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!
Posted on December 26, 2013
Beautiful Jules!!! Thank you very much: so exclusive!!! Thank you all ladies. suc a treat. merry Christmas everyone!!!
Posted on December 26, 2013
Beautiful Jules!!! Thank you very much: so exclusive!!! Thank you all ladies. suc a treat. merry Christmas everyone!!! Merry Christmas Robert!!!
Posted on December 26, 2013
Thanks a million Jules!! You’ve done it again. This is awesome beyond words. (Psssst how did you know what I wanted for Christmas??). Looooove!!
Posted on December 30, 2013
Thanks again lovelies, I appreciate you all so much. *mwah*