Happy Sunday all! 😀

Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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11,399,932Welcome to Robert Pattinson Australia your definitive source for all news, photos & exclusives concerning Rob's career since 4 November 2008. We are a fansite and not affiliated with Rob or his management.
No copyright infringement is intended, if you would like any photos removed, please contact us at robertpattinsonau@hotmail.com before taking legal action.
Hey Ladies, I’m on one of those ‘Rob-free’ holidays …… you know, when I prove to my family that I’m not obsessed with you-know-who, and I can DEFINITELY go 2 weeks without checking RPAU ……. And if I’m caught ‘cheating’ then all my Internet privileges shall be removed etc. Fortunately I’m very good at sneaking a peek (which I’m doing quite often), but I won’t risk commenting too often – a little Rob is so much better than no Rob! Just assume I’ll ditto everything Carmel says LOL!
Anyway, I saw this post and I was nearly blinded by so much beauty. Hence I couldn’t resist a comment! Thanks Michelle, love them all!
*giggles* @Sue, love that you snuck on. So great to see you, we’ve missed you 😀
and who can blame you for jumping on this post. His beauty is limitless.
@Sue is that your way of telling us your family are trying to put you in rehab? We can come and save you if you want – next comment just type “tap tap tap* – it’ll be our code .. okay 🙂
With this pictures my day starts beautiful love these pictures
What a wonderful Sunday treat… and the Fave Pic is a true melting moment.
@ Sue – Bwahahaha – With family like that, who needs enemies. Your secret is safe with us.
@Sue – I can sympathise with your situation. It was like that for me awhile ago and it was HELL. Now, however, I can go on to RPAU when I want without the guilt. The key is persistence – if they don’t like it, they can all get stuffed! This site (and Rob, of course) is too important to me to give up.
This post is awesome, Michelle – so pleasing to the eye!
Can I just get in a very Happy 5th Birthday to all you wonderful girls at RPAU for tomorrow – I know I’ll get on too late and miss the party, so I’ll send you my very best wishes tonight. Your dedication and efforts over the past five years have been nothing short of extraordinary – Michelle and Maria especially, posting something new EVERY SINGLE DAY for us to enjoy. Whatever it is, it’s a little slice of joy in my daily routine, no matter what real life throws at me. A heart-felt thank you to all the contributors – Jules, Roberta, Vertigo, Suze and Lise-Lou, but most of all, to the wonderful Maria and Michelle. Hip hip! Hooray!!!!
LOL @Maria. I’ll keep that code in mind …….. It just may come in handy!
@Carmel – sometimes family are your worst enemies!