Thanks to @sallyvg’s keen eye – looks like we won’t be seeing Rob as Eric Maddox until 2015. Here is screenshot from Embankment Film’s website:
I don’t mind waiting as long as we get it.  For Aussies the US Fiscal year starts in October (unlike ours that starts in July).  *Update:  I’ve also had confirmation Q2 is April – June 2014.
Posted on October 31, 2013
Soooooooooooo good to hear some more MB news
Am so with you there Maria, as long as we get it I don’t mind waiting, not at all. Keeping everything tightly crossed – ever since I read the book I haven’t been able to wait to see Rob as Eric Maddox.
Posted on October 31, 2013
Well….on the upside, we now have some more definite news about this movie. I’m excited!!! What would we do without you girls here keeping us in the loop?? Thanks once again. xxx
Posted on October 31, 2013
Like Ephie, I’m really pleased to get anything solid about MB.
Posted on November 01, 2013
LOL – love the expression on his face! Yeah, good news indeed. At least he gets a bit of a break after filming QOTD (so long as it goes ahead) and ‘Life’ – we love that he’s working, but he needs down-time as well! And yay, he gets to keep his hair longer for a while yet (a girl needs something to grip onto!) Thanks for info, Maria!
Posted on November 01, 2013
Thank you for the update, Maria!
ROTFLMAO!! The pic tells me he met my dad’s second wife…the step-monster.
Posted on November 01, 2013
LOL Sanguine! His expression is priceless isn’t it *giggles*
Posted on November 01, 2013
No worries – we will have plenty to keep us going for 2014 and it will be worth the wait.