This interview was first published on my birthday back in July … I just want it to be filmed already.
“Your next project is Queen of the Desert. How did you get involved?
My best friend in the business, Ilene Feldman, invited me to a dinner and sat me next to Werner Herzog. We talked about everything but film for 3 hours?one of the best conversations of my life. Werner and his wife Lena invited me over for dinner ? she’s an amazing cook and an even better photographer, not to mention quite possibly the most intelligent woman I have ever met ? and I think at some point that night he mentioned Queen and discussed his motivations for making the film ? which are very inspiring. It should be an amazing piece and something that I will be proud to have been able to support. Werner has always been one of my very favorite film makers ? both his documentaries and his dramas.
It’s a very attractive feature, about Gertrude Bell the female cartographer. Have you done much research into her life? What interesting facts did you find out about her, and why did her story hook you in?
That’s just it ? what Werner will reveal in the film is that she was much more than a cartographer. What people think of Lawrence of Arabia will be changed forever. You know what they say?behind every great man there is an even greater woman. Well, in this case it may be true, as we will soon see.
The cast is looking exciting. Any news on confirming the “(rumored)” on IMDB?
Some things must be held close to the chest dear. We are still building up the cast?stay tuned.
Is there going to be a certain Werner Herzog style to the movie do you reckon?
It will be pure Herzog. What else should it be”
Thanks to @Sallyvg for bringing it to our attention.
Bring it on!
If more people talk about it, it’s another step closer to becoming a reality. Well, let’s hope so, anyway.
Maria, this eye-catching gif is stunning – how can a human being be this beautiful?! *THUD*
Thanks @Trish – it’s been some time since we’ve seen Rob run his hands through his hair like that. And it’s definitely how I feel whenever we get some inkling that QoTD is getting closer. I just want it to be here already.