So it looks like posted this interview back on 26 January 2013, which is why it’s stating that QoTD is not yet fully funded and possibly filming in Syria. We know that’s not the case now since we posted our last update here
“PLAYBOY: For your next film “Queen of the Desert” you have “Twilight” teen heartthrob Robert Pattinson cast.
Herzog: He came to me. Therefore, I am taken seriously in Hollywood. Because so many good actors want to work with me. Nicolas Cage was never better than in “Bad Lieutenant”.
Playboy: What do you see in Robert Pattinson?
Herzog:Â He has charisma, he is wise, he writes. I hope we will see him again as a director. “Queen of the Desert” is not yet fully funded, and we do not know yet where we will turn. Actually, that should play in Syria.
PLAYBOY: That’s your specialty – difficult locations.
Duke: Not difficult, credible.”
 Translation thanks to Google. I have to say that for some reason Google turned “What do you see in Robert Pattinson” to “What do you see in Harry Potter” – hahaha I kid you not. I pasted it in twice and both times it did it. Funny Google real funny.
Thanks Jules for telling me about this.
via @Lurker1510
Thanks for sharing Maria, cannot wait to hear more about this movie 😀
*giggles* @ “What do you see in Harry Potter” Love what Werner says about Rob.
Have I mentioned lately how much I love Werner? 🙂 thanks for this Maria, I really can’t wait for filming to start for this one. Oh wait, I’m saying that about all his projects 😉 #somuchgoodness #spoiltforchoice 🙂
Hahaha re Harry Potter, love it 🙂
hehehe Google Translation was right! “What do you see in Harry Potter?”. All I saw was Robert Pattinson! 🙂
LOL exactly Carolyn 😀
At last, a post I can get thru without getting all hot-&-bothered! *giggles*
(If I could just keep my eyes off the Fave Rob Pic of the Day!)