That’s a ridiculous question … there’s never ever too many photos of Rob.  Here’s some more from the photocall.
That’s a ridiculous question … there’s never ever too many photos of Rob.  Here’s some more from the photocall.
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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Welcome to Robert Pattinson Australia your definitive source for all news, photos & exclusives concerning Rob's career since 4 November 2008. We are a fansite and not affiliated with Rob or his management.
No copyright infringement is intended, if you would like any photos removed, please contact us at before taking legal action.
Posted on May 26, 2012
OH MY GOD! I’ve been sitting here for the last hour clicking and drooling and in total awe of Cannes Rob 2012….. I don’t really know how you girls at RPAU cope with this kind of deluge ~ I bow down to you all! All of these posts have been fabulous. I think I’ve finally seen/watched everything except the press conference, which will have to wait ’til tomorrow …….
But can I just say ~ my god, Rob, you truly are in a league of your own. God bless you!
Posted on May 26, 2012
Aw these brought a tear to my eye, DC looks like he is hugging him saying, “thats my boy”. They both look so proud
Posted on May 26, 2012
Maria I have to agree with you. That totally is a ridiculous question.
OMG what a Robfest we’ve had. like a Rob buffet, but still not full, keep them coming.
Thank you girls so much.
Posted on May 26, 2012
@Maria – LOL. Obviously a rhetorical question.